We Can Also Taste That Woman!

The panicked brown-haired man, along with the lady Adventurer, waited for an answer to come; however, everyone in the guild still seemed to be trying to process exactly what was happening right now.

Why were two of the Void Refining Realm B-Rank Hunters that presided in their city in such a rush to meet the BranchMaster?!

"We need to have a meeting with him right away. Can someone please tell us if he is here right now? The barrier that isolates his office is preventing us from checking for ourselves." The lady with long blond hair asked with a calmer demeanor.

However, on the inside, she was freaking out! What they just witnessed could spell the doom of every inhabitant of the City of RiverBloom!

An average-looking man in leather armor finally built up the courage to respond to the duo, as his voice came out in a nervous tone: "Mi-Miss, he's in his office right now."