Him And Pain...

Chapter 216


Azmond still had to scale through the rest of the Peak Void Refining Realm and the entirety of the Half-Step Unity Form Synthesis Realm before he could begin to trudge through the gap that separated the Half-Step Unity Form Synthesis Realm and the True Early Unity Form Synthesis Realm.

And he had to do it all in fifteen minutes!

"It looks like I can no longer postpone my breakthrough," he muttered, a growing urge for more power building up inside him.

"I have already achieved a perfect foundation in the Quantum Foundation Establishment Realm. This 'predicament' with the Bigfoot monster only gives me more reason to speed up my breakthrough into the Early Quantum Core Formation Realm."

His words echoed out as he scanned his surroundings, trying to locate a spot where he could commence his breakthrough.

|You're attempting to breakthrough right now, Azmond?| Boundless questioned with a curious look on her face.