Playing It Off 'Cool'

Chapter 235


|'Yes!'| Boundless began to think to herself with a giddy smile.

|'That 'problem' can finally be resolved! I spent the last few days changing the system functions just so I could accomplish this 'Ultimate Goal' of mine!'|

She hid her thoughts well, as not a single existence could perceive those chaotic thoughts darting around inside that pretty head of hers.

|'The next time Azmond wants to do 'Dual Cultivation', I can be included as well!'|

Elation filled Boundless's existence, as she almost let her emotions slip out onto her expression.

However, such excitement didn't last for long as she suddenly remembered something 'different' about her…


|'What do I do about me not being a real woman though…? I am not like Crystalline. I am not true flesh and blood like her. Will Azmond still like me despite that?|