That Cow Had Been Hogging All The Good Stuff!

Chapter 253


One second, Boundless was fine, and the next second, she was as gloomy as could be! Was there something wrong with her circuits or something!?

Boundless bit her lips a little before turning her gorgeous face in the opposite direction of Azmond.


'So you wanna play hard to unravel, huh? Well, I can't have my Boundless in such a depressed state when we enter the Luminous Grounds Of The Nightmare Council. So there's no time better than now to soothe all her problems,' Azmond thought.

His strength had increased by an insane degree after ranking up from Tier 0 to Tier 1; however, he could save such a matter for later. After all, it wasn't like he had any 'practice dummies' to test his newfound power on...


"Hey, Boundless?"

|Ye-Yesh-| She attempted to respond.

However, she didn't even get the time to turn her head back in his direction, as he had already made a preemptive strike!