(Disclaimer! System Chapter!) Explosive Increase In Stats!

Chapter 262


|This place is so smoky. I don't like it…| Boundless grumbled.

Although the materials that made up this city were similar to those outside, the main theme had been switched from a ruby wonder land to a far more boring 'Steampunk' world.

And Boundless didn't like it one bit! The ruby colored buildings were still pretty, but she hated everything else! humph!


"Don't worry, we won't be in this city for long. We just need to find a mode of transport that would allow us to scale that wall," Azmond reassured her with a kind smile and a head pat.

It wasn't like he didn't possess the ability to fly over the 'wall' that separated them from the second floor; however, doing such a thing would definitely attract the attention of whoever or whatever was lurking behind the layer of space around them.