60,000 Mile Divine Sense

Chapter 267



The wolf-kin pilot didn't even get the time to fully construct his exclamation as a crimson-colored energy invaded his mind and seemingly took over his motor functions for half a split second.

"How long until we arrive!?"

A voice entered inside the pilot's mind, and as if he had turned into an automated AI, he responded, "four days till we reach the landing location on the second step."

"Very well."

Following such apathetic words from Azmond, the crimson energy seemingly faded out of the captain's mind before he came back to his senses.

And, along with his soberness, the tall, handsome figure that was once there disappeared.

"Huh? What was that? Did I black out for a second?? And why does my memory seem a little hazy?"

He went on to question the events that he had no recollection of for another few seconds before he set them aside and focused back on piloting the Swan Serenity.
