Stranger Danger!!

Chapter 276


Azmond was soon taken out of his scrutiny of the white-haired girl's injuries by the assaulters of the girl themselves.

"What are you doing in our way, dude!? She is our prey, so don't think you can take her away from us!" The bearkin growled.

He had already approached the silver foxkin, who was obstructing his path to the white-haired girl.

"Yeah, you stupid fox! Are you looking to pick a fight!?"

The wolfkin made a follow-up as he tagged right along with the bearkin.

'Are these idiots looking to die?'

Azmond didn't even bother with them as he lightly tapped his katana.

"Wha-!?" "Help m-!!"

They hollered out as Emu had already expanded out into a larger form before beginning to swallow them up.

Nonetheless, such pleas did nothing to stop the black and gold slime from acquiring a free meal.

Chomp! Chomp!