Heading To The Third Step!

Chapter 281


Both Boundless and Calista were on the 'shorter' scale of things, being 5 '8 and 4' 10, but that was only when lined up next to the Silver foxkin.

And then there was the silver foxkin in question—a foxkin who was also the source of such a loud ruckus echoing out.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Loud footsteps sounded out wherever he went! And the reason for such a thing was because of the dozens of items he had stacked on top of him!

There were teddy bears, jewelry, ornaments, and just about anything else gimmicky you could think up!

One would think that the young girl was the one to have Azmond buy all those things, but unfortunately, that was not the case.


He took one glance at the busty, brown-eyed beauty walking beside him and couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh.

|Hehe~| Boundless giggled in a mischievous way.