90,000 Miles, Tortalions!

Chapter 283


|'This Baka has to be the densest man to ever live!'|

Boundless couldn't help but exclaim inside her head when she saw the interactions between Azmond and Calista.

|'How can he be so aware of what a girl wants, while also being denser than the heaviest metal on earth!?'|

She couldn't understand it!

On a side note, it looked like everyone became a little confused after entering the swan ship.

Speaking of the Swan ship...

It was scaling the wall leading to the third step, mere minutes away from making it over.



The two thousand-meter-long swan ship zipped up the wall leading to the third step!


It changed direction as it entered horizontal flight before leaning upward at a vertical angle.

|Yay! We've finally made it to the third step!| Boundless exclaimed.
