The Queen’s Reappearance…

Chapter 286


'It looks like that feeling I got came to fruition.'

Azmond sighed at such a terrible premonition coming true before he locked eyes with the adorable catkin staring up at him.

It wasn't long after that his earnest voice resounded:

"She was talking about taking my money," he announced with a completely serious expression.

"Take your money…?" Calista questioned.


Hearing such an instantaneous response and observing the utterly staid expression on his face only put a bunch of question marks in Calista's head.

She didn't understand why the ghost lady would want to take his money. Was she a thief or something!?

Her gaze toward the big, busty ghost lady turned to one of weariness as she backed up a little before hiding behind Azmond.

Calista had already felt irked over those two milky cannons of hers, but she not only had two weapons with her; she also had a reputation for being a thief!