
Chapter 314


Appearances were usually deceiving, and it wasn't like Azmond didn't understand that not everything should be taken at face value. But that also didn't mean that nothing could be looked at in such a way.

"Gold…" He mumbled, drool practically drizzling down his lips.

That's right! Gold! Gold never changed in 'unit value'!

Sure, the price of gold would fluctuate in the markets and in different regions, but in the end, one gold would always be worth one gold!

Although such logic made absolutely no sense, that's just how he saw his financial status...

After scrutinizing every aspect of his existence, Azmond decided it was time to head back to Calista and Boundless.

Though it may not have seemed like it with all the thinking he was doing, in reality, only half a millisecond had passed in the real world!