Causing Distress For The Monster Kings!

Chapter 319


"Ahh… You don't want me here, huh?"

Azmond's sardonic voice reverberated as he looked at the bearkin standing up to him.

The Bearkin thought he was getting somewhere, so he said, "Yes! You must leave now! If you knew who was backing us, then you'd be groveling on the ground, begging for your life!"

He suddenly gained back all of his cockiness as he walked over to the far smaller figure of Azmond, with narcissism visible on his face.

However, his high and mighty demeanor lasted about as long as a homemade apple cake.


A black tendril extended out from Azmond's slimy coat before the finger the bearkin had extended out was sliced off his hand!


Blood gushed out of his open wound!

"Good thing I don't care about your opinion, Lekur!"