Exterminating All 3460 High-Rank Monster King’s!

Chapter 326



Large fireworks continued booming out in the distance as the entire space surrounding the Whaliceros was filled with the screams and cries of thousands of High-Rank Monster Kings!

However, the one who caused such resplendent deaths acted like the beautiful array of blood and iridescent colors had absolutely nothing to do with him.

'I wonder what Calista and Boundless want to eat tonight?' Azmond thought.

'I promised Calista that we would go to that fish joint on the south side of the Whaliceros... But I'm getting kind of tired of fish.'

He was thinking over what he thought was a complicated matter, completely ignoring the ongoing deaths happening around him.

However, it seemed like he was the only one with such an indifferent outlook on the deaths of thousands of High-Rank Monster Kings.

"..." "..." "..."