(Disclaimer! System Chapter!) Peak Stages Of The Fourth Cataclysm Tribulation Transcendence Realm

Chapter 329


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The sounds of the birds singing their morning song echoed outside the room to a futuristic tavern. And inside that tavern, there was a naked man with long black hair laying next to a woman with long brown hair on a king-sized bed.

The peaceful and tranquil aura surrounding the tavern room lasted for a while, until all of a sudden...

"Mhmm…" The man jolted up.

Azmond looked around him with a lethargic expression before he noticed that something squishy was beneath his hand.

'Emu…?' He thought.

However, when he looked down and saw what the squishy thing was, he thought, 'This isn't Emu…'

*Squish Squish*

He felt around a little more, and although it felt eerily similar to Emu, it was, in reality, just Boundless's snow-white breasts and their red cherry tips.

"Aahn~" Boundless moaned a little in her sleep as her body started to convulse.