You Never Did Tell Me If You Wanted Your Legs Or Not…?

Chapter 336


Clawdia couldn't let her father fall into their hands, so she fought him to snap him out of it; however, their 'fight' ended up working in the favor of the Overseers as they were able to seal them away and let them 'reflect' on their actions.

The Overseers were capable of killing them with ease, but in the end, what they wanted was a larger force, so they let them live under a seal until they 'calmed down'.

Following such a sealing, they scoured the area, trying to find Calista; however, she was nowhere to be seen…

After a few months of searching, they eventually gave up and lamented the loss of a supreme genius before they were forced back into seclusion due to their limited Lifespans.

A few more events later, a few spies, including 'The Primal Beast' being set up to look for the Catkin girl, and we made it to the present day.
