Is It An Enemy…?

Chapter 345


"???" Clawdia shot her eyes back to Azmond before she heard him continue with, "You're her big sister, and I wouldn't want her to be sad over your pain, so I took it upon myself to 'assist' you for my own benefit."

His words echoed out in an indifferent tone, as he genuinely believed that he was doing it for himself.

"..." She scrutinized the look on his face before she repeated, "For yourself, huh?"

"Yes, for myself."


Clawdia didn't know what take she had on the existence called Azmond.

Was he kind? Was he a pervert? Was he a good man?

But, in the midst of her thoughts, she blurted out, "You have been good to my sister, haven't you…"

Azmond turned his impassive gaze toward the relieved look on her face before he said, "I did it for myself."

Following such a familiar answer, he got up from his position, as Calwdia had already been fully healed by his 'Minor Heal' skill.