Playing Around With The Milf

Chapter 348



Azmond's figure faded away from its spot as he danced around the backside of Marina.

She was still feeling the aftereffects of his Heavenly Massage Technique, so there was no better time to take her by surprise than now.

And that is exactly what he did as he reappeared right behind her, his hands going straight for those child-bearing hips of hers.


He inputted a little more of his Heavenly Massage Technique, as a warm yet pleasurable flow of energy was transmitted into Marina's body.

"!?!?" She felt something even more intense than before hit her in the sides as she turned her head behind her and saw a devilish smile attached to an extraordinarily handsome face.

'So beautiful…' She thought with a slightly entranced expression.

Following that thought, her body completely bent underneath Azmond's will as her slopes started to jiggle and bounce!

*Jiggle Jiggle* *Boing Boing*