Time To Get Rid Of Ghost Lady...

Chapter 358


Clawdia was beyond astonished over seeing her strength steadily increase after dozens of years of stagnation in the Middle Mahayana Realm.

With this new way to gain strength, she saw a future where she could reach the peak of the Mahayana Realm before she turned 3500 years old!

Just imagining someone who had achieved the Peak Mahayana Realm before the age of 3500 was something absolutely unbelievable, even for those Heavenly Geniuses scattered across Asterion!

Nevertheless, in spite of her increased strength, what Clawdia was more interested in was the floating brown-haired girl who kept herself on Azmond more often than not.

She didn't know how such a being could slip under her radar, but more than that, Boundless's existence kind of annoyed her.


*Squish Squish*

"..." Clawdia saw those two cow jugs press up against Azmond's neck as a vein appeared on her head.