Clover's Extended Background

Chapter 360


{[Additional Information:]}

[Clover was born on a Tortalion on the Sixteenth Floor, and since she was even old enough to think for herself, she has been used and abused by those of the same race.]

[She was abandoned when she turned 2 years old and was an orphan for the first 13 years of her life.]

[After Clover turned 14, she escaped the orphanage that let indescribably terrible things happen to her, and for the next 4 years of her life, she was on the run, attempting to escape the mercenaries that were sent after her.]

[When she turned 18, she was able to successfully negate the chase of the mercenaries due to her age being above the 'jurisdiction' of the orphanage.]

[She was able to attract the attention of an elder at the Early Stages of Void Refining.]