Feed Ghost Lady To Goat...

Chapter 363


After realizing that everything was his fault, something inside Azmond snapped—something that was barely holding together his already insatiable battle hunger.

And it was through that break that he knew that he needed something to take out his pent-up frustrations on.

And what better punching dummy than a Monster Emperor named 'Cockoff'!?


"You dare come to my doorstep and defame my name, human!?" A voice bellowed out from the inside of the enormous castle.

"Damn straight, I do! Now get your ass out here so we can settle this with our fists!" Azmond snapped back with a voice that was just as boisterous.

"Impudence!!" Cockoff thundered out.


An eruption of black energy exploded from the inside of the castle as the top of the small, country-sized castle was blasted straight to the heavens!