Stupid Playboy!

Chapter 370


"Hoh?" Azmond mused with a seductive smirk.

He originally thought she was quite stuck up and uptight when he first met her; however, it turned out that Marina was hiding quite the adorable side underneath all that seriousness.

"You know~?" He began with a hand sliding up her child-bearing hips. "You are extremely cute when you're like this. If I weren't such a gentleman, I think I'd eat you up right here and now~," he ended with a playful grin plastered on his face.

Marina slapped his sneaky hand away before she said, "W-Whatever, stupid playboy! Furthermore, you're still ten thousand years too young to be a match for me!"

Azmond's grin only seemed to widen at her words as he asked, "Is that so~?"

He moved one hand to her hard left nipple and pinched it a little as she moaned, "Aahhnn~!"

She instantly wet herself as a salty and sweet smell pervaded the air around the two of them.