Percival's Cage...

Chapter 379


Azmond wasn't privy to the level of strength that the strongest members of the SubBurn Kingdom possessed, but he was sure as hell sure that the 'FireGod' Empire had Peak Mahayana Realm cultivators at the very minimum!



Marina felt an intense gaze focused on her as she looked toward Azmond and saw an unknown passion burn brightly inside his eyes.

She didn't know why, but for some reason, she liked that look of his more than any other.

It was a look that reminded her of what she thought her ideal husband should've had when she was younger.

Of course, life hit right in the gut for having those whimsical thoughts as a young woman.

However, those long lost feelings suddenly came back like an unrelenting barrage on her psyche, as the way she looked at Azmond started to change.