Meeting Daddy...

Chapter 381



After picking up Percival, Azmond disappeared from his spot and shot toward where the girls were before they dashed outside of the pocket dimension.


The pocket dimension started to collapse after they left, as it began to vibrate and spasm before subsequently collapsing in on itself.


The pocket dimension below the castle and even the castle itself were sucked into a miniature black hole-like phenomenon.

A few nanoseconds passed as the phenomenon and everything within a thousand-mile radius disappeared.


Azmond and the rest looked at the sight of a miniature black hole vaporizing everything within an instant, as they were sure that they'd die if they were on the receiving end.

However, their awe was soon interrupted by a certain catkin girl called Calista, as she flew toward her father.

"...Sniffle… Sniffle… I'm glad you're okay…" She mumbled.