Transformation Mid-Battle!?

Chapter 451


This whole thing with Percival, Spiritflame, and Ayalah all started a few days ago, when they showed up on the Queen's doorstep, looking to trade some goods.

However, these 'goods' were really just some lingerie and panties that they stole from a nearby brothel in the Royal Capital.

But regardless of their silliness, Marina ultimately decided to buy their 'goods', as she saw no harm in keeping a friendly Peak Mahayana Realm Expert near her and her daughters.

It was unknown what exactly was going through the heads of Percival and his two 'stewards', but if Marina were being honest, she didn't really care…


Meanwhile, back during the fights happening on the fighting rings,.

The original 500 people in the Top 500 had already been dwindled down to a mere 150!

And unfortunately, of those who were disqualified, a few of the women in Azmond's party lost their battles.