"Please allow us to welcome you to our little school!" calls Pascal. He is clearly talking to Asher, not expecting you to have flown the plane, and the darkness doesn't allow him to see the differences between you.
Asher pulls off her cap and curtseys deeply. "Their Highness is here," she says apologetically. "I'm Asher Garnett."
"Ah!" says Pascal, looking flustered but impressed. "How intriguing! I didn't know they were such a skilled pilot."
You take off your cap and goggles, blinking at the sudden cool breeze on your face. The audience applauds as though you've done something remarkable, not caring about your ruffled appearance.
"My goodness," Pascal says, partially to you and partially for the benefit of the assembled crowd. "You're the absolute image of Queen Estell!"
You've heard that many a time. The blinking lights of the plane give your coloring an unnatural cast, but like the rest of the royal family…