Chapter 42: Story of Sile Part 2

Sile: Woah, this is awesome...

Mellan: Sile, we should get out of here.

Sile: But this is the perfect opportunity to test what this baby can do!

Aodh: Just listen, that thing looks angry and dangerous, you can go test it on some trees or something let's just get out of here.

Sile: Trust me I'll be fine.

She charges up a blast and releases a strong gust of air that blows back Stone Golem.

Sile: Cool, an air cannon. See, told you I'd be fine-

A giant rock flies toward Sile but she's just able to move out of the way by shooting a gust of air to push her away. She goes to charge up another blast and blows one of it's arms off. It regenerates it and tries to slam it's hand on Sile; She pushes the hand away with another gust of air.

Sile: If I can shoot out air, do you think I can suck it in too?

With that thought, she tries and succeeds in sucking in a rock to her gun before shooting it back at Stone Golem.

Sile: Cool, I wonder what else I can do.