Kira follows Yuuto from a distance before he's brought before the village chief.
Chief: State your name fiend.
Yuuto: K-Kanei Yuuto.
Chief: Kanei Yuuto, for the crime of assaulting village officials and witchcraft you will be sentenced to death by duel. You will be held in a holding cell until the time of your duel.
Kira: Ugh, this is gonna be a pain.
Later that day, Kira sneaks into Yuuto's cell to talk with him.
Yuuto: Oh thank goodness you're here Kira. I need your help getting out of here.
Kira: How did you even get like this?
Yuuto: After Y3110W sent us back in time, I woke up in this village. After I woke up, I was surrounded by the village guards. I got scared and used my staff to push them away with sand to give me the opportunity to escape, but I got caught.
Kira: And then you got sentenced to death by duel.
Yuuto: You were watching!? Why didn't you help me!?