Yard time, the time for inmates to do something productive like working out or just stare at a fake sun for an hour and a half in hopes of going blind. Basco, Yoobin, and Gabriel are using this time to find an escape route.
Yoobin: If I must say anything, I'm impressed at how realistic this sky looks.
He pick up a rock and throws it at the sky. The rock bounces off.
Gabriel: How did you know it was fake?
Yoobin: We're out somewhere outside of time and space, nothing here is real.
Basco: Crap for real?
Yoobin: Yes, why ask?
Basco: I was trying to dig a tunnel under my bed but I guess that'll just send me to the abyss of nothingness.
Gabriel: When did you start digging a tunnel?
Basco: Last night when we got here. I went rummaging through Ollie's toys to see if anything useful was in there and found a weird baby that was surprisingly good as a shovel.
Yoobin: What?