Chapter 74: Spirit Ultra Mech

Ollie: There you are Ectoplasm Green!

Ectoplasm Green: Yes young Specter Red, leave me to deal with this fiend!

He grows to 150 feet tall and attacks Bryant.

Ectoplasm Green: Ectoplasm Shot!

He forms a circle with his hands and shoots a green slime at Bryant, blinding him.

Ectoplasm Green: Ectoplasm Final Attack, Ectoplasm Kick!

Ectoplasm Green jumps into the air and dives towards Bryant. He manages to remove the slime from his face and grab Ectoplasm Green. He slams him into the ground.

Ectoplasm Green: You're stong, but I'm still not giving it everything I got! Daidarabotchi, Gashadokuro, let's go!

Again from nowhere comes a giant, black, baby faced monster with huge eyes and a massive skeleton with glowing green eyes appear.

Ectoplasm Green: Let's form the Ecto-Mech!