dusty room!!!

'I awoke in a dark dusty room', the 'air was toxic it also had a very bad smell'. I looked around I then 'noticed blood all over the room', I was inside of. the place was 'filled with 'blood and corpses'. looking around even more 'I soon saw a male and female fighting'.

'Not physically but mentally', because of the fact none of the two's moths were moving. so, I suspect they are taking through thoughts and mind. I should most likely get out of here, 'after exiting the room through a window I was shocked in the sight of a gloomy but bright night'.

looking around I was amazed in the mountains around me and the buildings that where lighted by the bright moon on a dark night. I searched all the surrounding buildings. but found nothing of use although I did find something interesting. A book that looked centuries old, 'opening it I was engulfed by a white light'.

"I transported into a white and darkened void, the place was filled with fog engulfing everything but a tower in the distance. moving forward I saw a figure in the mists, dressed in old clothing, I think it's an old male."

His clothing was dirty, run down like it's never been washed for over a century. moving forward, towards him I saw its face it wasn't what I was expecting, 'it was a female?' it was a lady, it though she was a male, but it ended up she was just 'wearing a mask that covered her face'. 

"I said hello, but no response was heard, so I moved forward, reaching her mask I went and faced her. looking at her face it was beautiful and elegant, her eyes were closed so I couldn't ask anything to her, so I just improvised and held her in my arms."

"Looking around again. I looked for anything that I could stay at for the time being. but saw nothing other than the 'tower in sight'. after waking forward's, I reached the tower it was 'run down', abandon." 

it must have been abandoned. the place wouldn't be like this if it wasn't. stairs where very loose like it was about to fall off in any moment, ceiling was dirty and full of spider webs, waking to the second floor it was a library filled with books that had a weird aura around it. 'most books where white others where blue, yellow, orange, red'. looking at the book's contents, I discovered it's a 'marital art book'. 

"Looking through it, I saw the moves drawn, and the book showed the move in a few different ways that the martial art could be done, 'movements where mixed and could be replaced' with others."

this book 'had a red aura around it', the 'name gazelle adapt' it was a book based on changing and modifying martial arts. based on the one person's martial art style.

I'll try these martial arts styles, the book has shown me.