Chapter 33: In the Hours of Death

Jalad POV

(3 hours ago)

After talking to Mammon about my concerns about Rose, I decided to head to my station. I monitored people coming in, glaring at those with slaves.

Despite my and the king's best efforts, we couldn't outlaw slavery. Too many nobles had them or money invested in them. Rose was a good antislaver, she managed to stop three major slavers in the time it takes for someone to go through boot camp.

Her status as an adventurer was only overshadowed by her nature as a mature arcane dragon. Few would mess with the guild, less would mess with a mature dragon.

"Boss, you've been working hard these past few hours, feel free to take a break. Go meet up with Rose, I heard she's been sleeping in the park for a few hours."

"Good, she needs the sleep, but I guess I can go over there for a bit on patrol. Man my station."

"Yes, Sir!"

I walked over to the central park where I saw Rose, she was sleeping so adorably. She may look like an adult when awake, but while asleep she looked like an innocent child. I should bring her to her inn room. It would be mor-

Cold. Her hand is cold.


No no no.

I felt her pulse. There was none.

"Detect life!"

I was panicking, hoping she would be outlined by the skill.

There was no outline. My breathing was ragged as I picked her up, full bridal style and ran to the guild full speed.


I kicked through the door causing everyone inside to jump.

"It's Rose!"

They were confused, but then they saw my face, tears falling down it, and they realized the situation.

"Bring her to the medical room."

I ran and carefully put her in the bed.

"Jalad, relax."

My breathing was ragged.


I looked up and saw Dallel.

"Calm down and tell us what happened."

"I walked up and saw her sleeping in the park. I decided to take her to her inn, but she was cold. Concerned I checked her pulse, there was no pulse, I used detect life... and..."

I started crying again and Dallel and Royce looked at me in shock.

"How could this happen?"

"I d-don't know."

The nurse came back.

"It's odd."

Mammon handled the talking as he was still calm.

"Did you find a cause of death?"

"That's the odd part. There is no cause. Not even any traces of disease. It's like she just died."

"People don't just drop dead, Agatha."

"I know, Sir, but there's no way to explain this. If not for the detect life skill not working, I'd assume she was still alive."

All of the sudden I had a splitting headache.



"URK that hurts. ERN."

What was that pain? Something was happening.

It stopped.

"I'm fine... what was that?"

"Jalad, you scared me. I thought you were about to drop dead like Rose."

"I thought so too."

The door to the medical center got kicked open.


A panicked Elren came in with Thalia. He froze on seeing her on the bed.

"No life... none at all... what happened?"

He grabbed Dallel by the throat picking him up.

"What happened to my sister?!"

"We don't know, there isn't a cause of death."

"What do you mea-"

"Elren, put my brother down. I understand you are shocked, we all are, but can't you see that they are as affected as you are."

An elven woman came in with a child who looked confused. The kid walked over to the bed.

"She's not dead though."


"She's not dead, her soul is still connected, it's just somewhere else right now."

"Alice, are you saying we can save her?"

"No need. She'll return eventually."

"How do you know this."

Elren turned to me.

"Jalad, right? This is my daughter, Alice, she is a death dragon. That allows her to see souls."

"I see, so she isn't dead?"

"It seems not."

"Thank goodness."

"We will stay here until she wakes up."

The nurse sighs.

"So, that's why there was no sign of death. I was stumped. How did this happen?"

"Probably because Aunty is a MMPH!"

"I see that makes sense."

We all looked oddly at Elren except for Thalia.

"It's a matter that is secret to dragons."

We nodded still skeptical, but Dallel and Royce oddly enough accepted it with full trust.

"I guess it isn't our business then."

Mammon gave them a confused look.

"Royce, Dallel, you are being weird, but King Elren, if it affects my adventurer, I'd rather be aware of what it is."

"I understand, but frankly we don't know how to deal with it either, so I think it's better to not tell you."

"I see."