Chapter 36: The Gathering Sin

Wrath POV

That little kid infuriates me. I can't destroy the world if she becomes the core. The fact that both other lies support her doesn't help.

"Sloth seems to be an enemy."

"Mistress Sloth aligned with the lie?"

"Yes, I want you to enslave her with this enhanced one. It would work on even an awakened shard."

"Will it work on a merge?"

"Yes, now go and capture her."

"Yes, Mistress Wrath."

The Demon King left, and I turned to my sister.

"Pride, what do you think about my offer."

"Making you the core again? There has been some skepticism in your ability to garner fear since Innocence made a fool of you during the meeting."

"Innocence is too innocent to understand the monster she angered."

"I agree, but I would say that we should postpone the merging 'til you actually defeat her."


"The thing is, you used to be the core, then we were torn apart by the others. Many are skeptical of your leadership skills, so we agreed that we will align ourselves with whoever wins."

"You little-"

"Don't get me wrong, Wrath. I have no want to serve a lie. I can assure you that I will aid you in winning."

"Won't that impact my image."

"Au contrair, my presence in aiding will show that you can even inspire us to work with you."

"You have a point."

"Indeed, I hate that she felt shame when looking at our actions. We should be proud of our deeds, and she mocked me."

"Agreed, let's demolish the child, but a quick question, what do you get out of the deal?"

"I only want revenge for her making a mockery of us."

"I see, can we count on any other shards?"

"Envy seems envious of the child."

"Good, if we can strike with 3, even they won't be able to fight back."

"I'll look and see if anyone else will join."

"Thank you, Pride."

"No problem, Wrath."


Side Benevolence

'Selethon will be invaded soon. Innocence is there, I need to get there.'

'Why did you contact me? I hate war.'

'Peace, listen, we need to help our sister, because the sins are gathering for an invasion and if we don't help, then she will be merged with Wrath and this world is doomed.'

'What will I do?'

'Help us.'

'*sigh* Fine... but I won't fight, I will only heal.'

'Thank you, meet me in Selethon's capital, but hide your presence.'

'I'm not an idiot. Of course, I'll hide it.'

'Talk to you there.'


"Lady Benevolence, where are you going?"

"One of my kin is in danger, I must help them."

"I see. My lady, may we aid you in this fight."

"You can. Gather the fighters."

"A battle?"

"Wrath is making a move."

"Then we must stop her."

"Indeed. We move at sunset."

"Yes, M'lady."


Side Gluttony

"Alright, Wrath is making a move, what do you think we should do?"

In the room with me was Greed and Lust, we all met up in an effort to decide our movements.

"Let's stay out of it and swoop in after the fight."

"We would get so many souls that way."

Lust sighed,

"Of course, you two would be more interested in power than which one of us gets to be core, but I agree, we should stay out, but instead we save and gain the loyalty of everyone."

"That's a good idea, they will give us so much."

"Even food maybe."

"Well, Wrath or Pride will likely reach out to us, just say that we are sitting this one out."

"Do you think Envy will make a move?"

"I don't know. She's too much of a wildcard to predict, then again, Innocence seemed rather fun to watch during the meeting, and her mini body was so adorable."

"Who do you think will win?"

"I don't know, it's obvious that the Lies will come to aid her, but the sins are stronger than the lies. The biggest mystery is what Sloth will do."

"Yeah, I certainly was not expecting her to align with Innocence, and she bothered calling her by her name too."

"Rose, I actually heard of her, didn't realize it was Innocence at the time, however."

"Rose, the dragon."

"I can harvest so much meat from her corpse."

They looked at me.

"What? It's an actual body, when she's merged, it won't fade, so I can harvest from it."

"You are a special person, Gluttony."

"Aw thanks."




Side Envy

I'm so jealous, everyone is having so much fun. That blasted Innocence even got a name and a body.

Why couldn't I get that?

Pride met with me, and I denied joining the attack. I was going to move on my own. I could probably enter her body and win. I would just pretend to be her, and no one would know the better.

If I became the core, we'd be so strong, but no one even considered me. I was the strongest and they all overlooked me.

The Wildcard, The Beggar. They've all called me that, do they not know why I don't look like royalty like the rest of them?

It's because I am stronger. I don't need cultists, armies, or anything. I know this, but whenever I look at them,

I just get so so so jealous.

It's a curse, I need to eat something, but I have no hunger, then I see Gluttony eating away!

So Jealous.

The others have personalities, emotions, friends.

I have none.

I will either take it for myself or destroy it all.

I'm not Greed, who wants to control everything.

I am Envy, I will be equal, whether I improve, or others fall.