Chapter 46: The Oddities Continue

I slept a lot that night. Cleaning that core was hard work and I didn't sleep once during the two days.

When I woke up it was past noon. I went to the guild still sleepy.

"Hello Rose, you seem tired."

"Very much."

"The usual?"

"Yes please."

Silas took my order and went into the back. He grabbed the wine first and I sipped it, then I realized.

"Could you add a black coffee please?"

"Sure. Whatever you need."

He brought out the coffee and I sipped it too.

"Heh, what a sobering sight. Rose Hood, drinking wine and coffee at the same time."

"Hello Dallel."

"Hey Zath... I mean Silas, could I get a coffee as well?"


"By the way Rose, your little becoming a priest got a lot of attention."

"Hey, at least I fit the title Evil Slayer better now."

I smirked then put my head on the table.

"Are you tired?"

"Unlocking goodness magic is hard. I'm tired..."

I began slouching and sinking under the table. Dallel caught my hand and pulled me back to position.

"Careful, you'll get a splinter."

Then Thalia kicked through the wall.



She tackle-hugged me causing my coffee and wine to fly and spill. I used telekinesis to steady and put it on the table softly.

"Wow, Rose. That much control over telekinesis and you used it to save wine."


Dallel gave me an unimpressed look. I smirked back. Then Thalia got up.

"I'm sorry, I was just so excited."

"I'm tired."

"I understand... What happened to Zath?"

"Silas, dear Thalia, and I was purified into an Archangel."


"Rose purified me using her newfound goodness magic."

Thalia grabbed me,

"Hey, dear sister. Mind giving your older sister an explanation?"

"Yes, I do mind."

Me and Dallel snickered and Dallel shrugged.

"Let the woman have her coffee and wine, she worked a lot to develop that magic."

"Fine, um Za- I mean Silas, could I have an orange juice."

Then she looked at me.

"Because unlike someone, I only drink at dinner."


"That wasn't a compliment, Rose."

Then Climond came in.

"Hello, Ms. Rose, how are you doing today?"

"Uh... good?"

"Wonderful to hear."

One of the 3 aces leaned over.

"To be absolutely sure, you don't have a mind control ability?"


"Hello Climond."



Alright he was at least normal for others. He smiled big when he looked at me.

"I'll cover your tab if you want."

"You don't need to."

"Ah, you are so wonderful."

He left... both the hall and all of us confused.

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yep. I am as confused about that as you all are."

Mammon shook his head in confusion.

"First, Rose understands dirty jokes, now Climond has some sorta crush? This week is becoming ridiculous."

"Wait, Rose understands dirty jokes now?"

"Yeah, caught us completely off guard."

"NOOO innocent Rose isn't innocent anymore."

"It was an obvious joke though."

Then Thalia gave me a glance.

"I have heard way more obvious things coming from you."

"Like what."

"Remember when you were discussing how you carried Dallel and Royce to Calesen?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Think about the way you worded it."

I didn't...

'Oh, they rode me on the way over. I think Dallel was nervous as it was his first time though.'

I blushed furiously.

"D-d-d-d-did I actually say that?"


I slammed my face against the table and covered my head with my hands.

"So, Rose~ got any more r-"

"Another word Thalia and I rip your head off."

She squeaked.

"So, how about that weather huh?"

"It's good."

Mammon leaned over to Thalia.


"I'm alive."

"Heh, alright, scaredy dragon."

Thalia looked annoyed but sighed.

"Well, I'm glad you were promoted, Rose."

"I am as well."

"Also, how's Asura?"

"What, don't tell me you have a crush on him, Thalia?"

"What?! NO no no!"

Her immediate response was enough. I smirked and she blushed.


Then Asura kicked through the wall.


"Oh, sorry Mammon."

"Better be."

Mammon was the only person that could take on an S rank without backing down, and he was terrifying when mad. But I was annoyed.

"Let me drink my wine in peace... please..."

I sipped some more wine.


I flattened my ears against my head.

"So loud..."


"Grrrr. SHHHH!"

"Oh, sorry."

I was tired and everyone was coming at once.

"Next person who tries tackle hugging me or shouting greetings is getting a punch."

Then the king of Calesen entered.


He tried a tackle hug; he got a punch in return.

I sat back down at the shattered table and continued drinking my coffee.

"I think Rose is the only one who would punch royalty."

"He's my brother, I have full right to punch him."

"Elren, are you still alive?"

"I just wanted a hug."

"Yeah, you came in at the worst time."

"Figured that out."


"So, what's this about goodness magic."

I was talking to my siblings in the back room.

"I located my core and realized that it was really dirty. I decided to clean it and after I finished, I learned that everything that we knew was a lie."

"What do you mean?"

"There is no such thing as the evil god. The gods were scared of the good god's power and split us apart, making new shards, then they corrupted us, but they couldn't fully corrupt the truths, so we still maintained a major portion of our personality, but the gods, weren't content with merely changing our nature. They engraved their lie into the very fabric of this world, so that orcs and goblins would appear, and people would attribute their creation with this evil god that the gods themselves crafted. They portrayed themselves as heroes who tore apart the evil god who wanted to destroy everything, while in actuality, they were the only evils."

"So, you think the other gods will come after you, now that you know this?"

"Yes, the main issue is curing the others. Evil, as shown with Silas, is repelled by me and will try to kill me. I hope Sloth will be fine, but I have to wait for her to be awake, so I don't accidentally hurt her while trying to cleanse her."

"So, if not the Core Lie, Innocence, what are you?"

"The Core Truth, Purity."

"So, how will you handle this?"

"The S ranks agreed to keep it a secret, and they will assist me if I need help."

"That's good."

"Well, I think that we have it covered for the most part."

"Oh, do you, Innocence?"

I was no longer in the guild hall. Sloth was next to me, still asleep. I recognized my surroundings.


"Hello, Innocence. I want you to explain exactly what is going on."

All 8 other shards were standing around me, they had cautious looks. An opportunity like this wouldn't present itself again, so I needed to be smart.

"Well, where do I start?"