Chapter 53: The First Lineage

"So, you want our aid?"

"Yes, your grace."

The king of Drummel was surprisingly human. He noticed my look.

"Hah, you expected me to be a dwarf, didn't you."

"Honestly, I did, sir."

"Ah, don't worry about it, most people don't expect it. My family is actually descended from the first lineage of both humans and dwarves."

"The first lineages?"


"So, if I may, how old are you?"

"I'm reaching 10000 actually."

The first lineages were the originals of each humanoid race. Most thought that they'd died out, so the fact that Drummel's king was the mix of two of the lineages was incredible.


"I get that, so you need help in dealing with the remaining shards? That is alright."

Then he winked.

"Ms. Purity."


"Oh please, we keep fine records, including things even the gods want us to forget. I was already aware of the nature of the evil god. Besides, only good beings can empower the wards against evil without even doing anything."

"But how did you know I was a shard and not a priest like I said?"

"The first lineage's spoke to the gods often, even though I haven't seen one in millennia, I still recognize your kind's aura. Of course, your aura of goodness threw me off."

"So, about helping?"

"Of course, m'lady. I would love to aid you."

"Thank you."

"Oh, and I heard that Calesen's king is one of your siblings."


"Well, since the last war, I've been trying to increase diplomacy with his nation, could you please ask him to open negotiations?"

"I'll try."

"Thank you."

"Oh, and about the rumors..."

"Hah, don't worry, we don't eat dragons, frankly I don't even know how the rumor started."

I left the castle after the surprising development. He was a surprisingly smart person, it's rare to find a king as smart as Dalis.


A familiar presence has been following me for 30 minutes now. I led him into an alleyway and spun around quickly.

"Celios, what are you doing here?"

"Kala, I'm here to warn you. I have decided to attack during the battle in two weeks."

"Why tell me?"

"Because I want you to be afraid. You have angered us, you could have just hid. Been the evil god, and let us run the world, but no, you have to be selfish."

"Like you were when you ripped us apart and corrupted us?"

"Evil is impossible to flock around, but somehow you still managed it."

"Because we aren't evil, and I will purify the rest of the shards and rip you off your throne of lies."

"Now you insult your king."

"You are no king, you are a usurper. An abuser of strength, and one who will fall."

"Careful Kala. You're going to make me mad~"

He grabbed me by the throat and pushed me against the wall.


'Don't move, we aren't strong enough, he knows he can't battle us in a town, or he'd expose his hand.'

"Awe, your shards want to defend you, Kala."

"My *cough* name is Rose Hood."

I kicked him in the groin causing him to double over, then I ran as fast as I could.


I ran as fast as I could. I made it to the street,

Then I felt the hand on the back of my head.

He slammed me onto the pavement, causing the ground to shudder, and the people walking nearby to fly.

"What's going on?"

We were next to the adventurer's guild, and the people who knew me were shocked to see me choking and covered in blood.

"Well, Rose, remember, you have less than two weeks to make a defense. And I will destroy that little town you call home, then I will do what I should have done all those years ago."

"Y-you won't win."

"And why wouldn't I? Even if you did stand a chance in the first place, you'll be too hurt by Wrath to do anything."

I coughed up blood as his power assaulted me. This is the power of a god. Even if I managed to fully repair the good god, I would need too long to be even close to this strong.

"You won't because I won't let you."

I shot my head up, smashing into his nose. He cried out in pain before jabbing me. My entrails were hanging out of where his fist just was. The armor that Thalia worked for a full day on was like thin silk to this man.

"You are too weak and stupid, Kala. You will die."

Then he was gone. I barely spat at where he was before the world went dark.


Rose was on a mission, but I felt as though something was wrong. I knew she would be gone for a while, but I still was worried. We started getting detachments, King Onyx of Dracion was one. He came with his army and talked with Elren, apparently, he hadn't matured yet. He, like Rose, was mostly pacifistic unless violence was necessary. Apparently, he and his whole nation knew of Rose, but they kept it secret from the rest of the world.

I still wasn't fond that she was still gone.


Dallel came in the room.


"You're looking into the distance again."

"I can't help but feel that something happened."

"Don't worry, there's no one that can take on Rose."

"What about that god that confronted her?"

"He'd not attack so close to a town."

Yeah, Gerard did tell us about that, but...

"What if Rose did what she normally does and fought back?"

"Please Royce, she's impulsive, not suicidal, even she would realize it would be dumb to challenge a god."

"I guess."

But I couldn't stop worrying.


I woke up in an infirmary. I recognized that there was a high-level healer healing me. I tried to sit up, but she pushed me down.

"Mam, please, your injuries aren't healed yet."

'Guys, are you here?'

'Yes, Rose. Celios did a number on you. We've been working on healing you, but he used his aspect, it makes it hard to heal.'

'Crap... we need to warn Wrath.'

'Agreed, but first you need to be able to move.'

"Your majesty, she's in critical condition, she isn't able to be seen right now."

"Out of my way, Gemel, she's infected with a divine aspect, at this point, I'm one of the only few that can heal her."

"Divine aspect? That means..."

"Yes, the man who crushed her was a god."

I saw the king walk up. Then he spoke in the ancient language.

"Oh, Purity of the goddess Kala, recover your strength and stand in power. I give my faith to you. May your power grow and strength return."

My injuries closed as his power echoed through me. The other shards' heals started to work, and in one minute I was able to stand again.

"Thank you."

I bowed my head.

"I assume that he will enter the battle?"

"You are correct, I understand if you don-"

"I will still fight alongside you."

"Thank you."

I stood up.

"Where are ye going Ms. Rose?"

"I need to warn Wrath of Celios."


"Because if we get locked in battle, there is nothing we can do, and if there is anyone Wrath hates more than me, it's Celios."

I left the hall, blood still streaming down my side. I limped and shifted into the horse size dragon, then I got bigger and bigger as I got higher and higher.

When I reached the height that my size wouldn't hurt the city, I began flying in the direction of Wrath's castle.