Chapter 55: The Wrath of Rose Hood

Wrath merged with the remaining sins and me and her fought in perfect synchronization. We were the same person after all.

Celios fought back viciously, but with both of us together, his seemingly overwhelming power was almost equivalent to ours. We clashed and he dodged. He truly was a forsaken god.

But the battle was a stalemate, no one was willing to enter the battle for fear of getting shot by a stray spell.

My new armor at least had no holes, but it was still bent.


"Wrath... what is it?"

We were both getting tired, and Celios, as he was a full god, looked like he was just getting started.

"Rose, I'm going to merge into you. Our power currently destroys the other's, but we are still the same person. My hope is that we destroy him before we destroy ourselves."

Celios laughed hearing the plan.

"Please Kala, you think that you can defeat me. You are already injured and doing that would just amplify your death."

Wrath smiled.

"You're right, I may die. My consciousness may be scattered into dust, but at least I'll take you down."

Her evil then overtook my good as she reached out her hand...

I took it. Then screamed.

"Hah! You realize the folly of that? You can't merge while your magics are in direct oppo-"

He was so focused on bragging; he didn't notice my kick. Celios went flying and crashed into the forest. That made him mad.

"You, little, brat. You will die here, Kala."

I smiled.

"Try me usurper."

We clashed. His wings now were out. He fought with his sword and slashed me. I dodged and struck back in full force. My aura shone. The evil was being cleansed faster than my body was self-destructing.

'Fight Rose!!!'

Understanding yelled at me to focus. Then Counsel imbued me with power.

"Go Rose, we got your healing."

I struck forth with far more power. My aura was becoming stronger as I continued to be purified.

"How is that possible, you should be dead by now!!!"

I punched him and smiled.

"Don't you know? Goodness is far stronger than evil."

He struck in fear, but I merely blocked and fought back. We were fighting on even ground when Fortitude and Wisdom leapt out to do a surprise attack before remerging.

Fear and Knowledge quickly followed up with another surprise attack that allowed me to cut off one of Celios's wings. Now I was pure.

"K-Kala, we don't need to be enemies."

I smiled as I ascended the mortal realm. I was the god of good.

"Celios... my name is Rose Hood."

I struck down and he barely dodged. The one that I thought was unassailable was now far beneath me.

Celios leapt towards the Selethon army and grabbed Royce, using him as a body shield. I missed and got struck in the stomach as a reward for my hesitation.

Celios laughed.

"You think you are so smart, do you? Our curse is still so deep into the world that even those who know you will fear you. Royce, correct? Is this not a monster before you?"

I could feel his power trying to corrupt Royce's judgment.


He won.

"Well, then destroy it,"

Royce stepped forward and both armies found themselves unable to move. Celios was going all out for this, but Royce smiled.

"Then again, I'm a bit of a monster myself."

He stabbed Celios's core, and the Usurper screeched as he fell back in pain and shock. He yanked out the sword.

"You foolish Wolf."

Royce wasn't fast enough. He got hit. I got up, but an angered Celios cast a restraining spell which made me unable to move.

He stomped on Royce multiple times until Royce stopped twitching, then he cast a spell.

"Divine Smite."

A bolt of power shot through Royce's heart, and I saw the light leave his eyes...

Royce died.

No one can survive a smite.

"Now do you see the cost of your actions? Your little friend is now dead because of your selfish desire for your old place."

I barely heard his chiding. My anger was too great for that.

His mouth continued to move, and he continued to laugh, but I heard none of it. All I could hear was Royce's scream of pain, and all I could see was the light leaving his eyes.

Celios struck at me.

That arm was missing.

He wouldn't die. He's a god.

I smiled.

"You've ****** me off."

His ancient heart felt utter fear. It was delicious.


"Don't be so scared."

He looked up hopefully. It turned to fear when I jabbed my fist into his heart.

"You won't die~"


Fear. That was the only thing we could feel. Anyone who wasn't aware of it now was fully aware that she was the good god that she spoke of. We felt the massive aura, her power made even the former king of gods quiver, but her proclamation that he wouldn't die was terrifying.

It was a well-known fact that gods can't die, but they could still be hurt. Rose was going to torture Celios for Royce.

Even when Falden shot through his stomach I never saw her that angry, maybe because she knew that he had potential to live, but now we all saw him die. We saw the light leave.

She laughed in an insane manner, as she kicked the boastful deity's head into the dirt, before stomping on it. His screams of pain caused us more fear. Celios was thought to be the strongest of all gods, but here he was, begging for the pain to stop.

"Hood..." Dalla said. Dalla turned out to be the one who Rose called Granny, but she turned out to be younger than Rose.

"This is brutal." King Dalis looked terrified. He knew that she was powerful, but the idea that she could do this was terrifying.

She kicked Celios, causing him to fall on his back. He coughed in pain, but Rose wasn't done.

"Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite."

Without even calling upon divine magic, she used the spell and put 5 holes in Celios. He was bleeding. His tears stained the ground. He stopped even using her name.

"M-Mother please."

There were legends about the mother of gods, but it never occurred to us that the good god was said mother.

Rose merely crushed his hand. She had no remorse for him, and frankly, I didn't either. He killed Royce in front of her. He should have known she would have reacted like this.

His screams caused the battlefield to remain silent. Those based in evil were terrified, because their masters got purified, and the mortals were terrified because they didn't quite understand what was happening.