Chapter 71: The Bathhouse

We went to several villages and looked around. Kala and I made a contract. She would let me run the body, but she'd take control of it in moments of emergency.

The bloodlust that seemed so infinite was dimmed when she saw what Amanda wrote, and the guy who she knew in middle school, who felt guilty that he never was able to apologize.

'I still don't know how to take it.'

I remained silent; it wasn't my place to tell her what to feel. Despite being a part of her, my memories were only of this world. I didn't know all of what she went through, and I may never know.

One village we were at was talking about a recent development.

"Did you hear that this Kala person turned out to be someone dangerous?"

"No, what's being said?"

"Well, she apparently possessed Rose, and used her influence to cause chaos in Selethon. They are calling her the god of lies now."

"Any news about Rose?"

"Apparently, she is fighting from the inside. Hey, you don't look too well."

"I have been sick recently."

It was true, Kala hid, and I took control, so I had full access to her power, this was good for me, but it also had a side effect in illness, as neither my power nor will were enough for her strength.

In addition, I decided to hide my presence to the point it would be in the device that caught evil. Even another god wouldn't recognize me, using draconic shift, I also made myself look like an elf.

I also hid my draconic nature and made a fake stat tree, using god's judgment, I changed both the name and removed the shy one title.

"Well, you should visit the lake of life, it clears any ailment."

"How does it?"

"You bathe in the water, and it cleanses you. The nature god runs it."

I thanked the man and went towards the baths. I saw the lake and the bathhouse.

"Hello, new resident, would you like a bath in the lake?"

"Um yes, I was told a bath would cure any ailment."

There was no mistake, the woman in front of me was the nature god.

'She's as skimpy as Piety was when she was Lust.'

'Wait, one of my aspects was that skimpy?'


"Yep, follow me."

The nature god wore a bikini. Any man would be terrified.

She led me to a bath and gave me a drink. I thanked her and bathed.

My sickness was fading, then I heard something.

"Ah, more customers. Need a bath. Oh, hello brother."

"Nala, it's been quite a while."

"It should have been longer, who are your friends."

"This is Thalia, the man she is carrying is named Dallel."

"Hm, the prince of Calesen? What's he doing in your horrid company."

"Ah, he... how do I say this, he developed divine potential."

I could almost hear Nala's eyes widen.

"I'm not going to ask, but why have you come here?"

"He got injured from using his power to battle dear old mom. So, we were hoping..."

"You want me to give him my blessing?"

"Yes. If he is to get strong enough to fight Kala, then he needs to be able to actually use said power."

"If you can do something for me."


"Take a bath in the lake and get your stress off."


"It's messing with the vibe. On the house, come on. It'll also cure the prince's injuries."

Her steps got closer.

"Mrs. Thalia, you can bathe in here with this lady. You two follow me."

Thalia entered the bath and sat on the opposite side of it.

"I'm tired... I had to fly all that way."


"Oh, right, don't get scared, but I'm a dragon."

"I knew a dragon once. It's been a long time since then."

"Huh, how old are you, if you don't mind me asking."

Kala spoke.

"Despite no one knowing me, I am over 100000 years old."

"Incredible, so you are older than any other elf still alive?"

"Yes, is it true what they say about the goddess Kala?"

"Yes, sadly it is. You know, she actually used my sister's body."

"That's horrible."

"Not really, my sister was one of her aspects, but somehow..."

She smiled.

"She remained individual and fought against her. My sister is fighting on her own."

"She is? Are you here to help her?"

"That's the end goal, but as it sits, we need to help our friend, Dallel, regain his strength and get the blessing of the nature god."


"Because somehow, he managed to resist her power."

We sat in silence.

"How is your relationship with your sister?"

"... odd question, but good. Frankly I used to be scared of her, but... I realized I was a fool. I hated her, thought her a monster, but now... I can only think of what a fool I was."

"What of Kala?"

"I... don't know actually. With all she did, I'd expect to hate her, but I just can't bring myself too."


"Because... at one point, during the battle, we saw something, her core, I think. I won't describe it, because that is her business, but... I don't know. I felt odd, like I couldn't hate her."

"Could it have been part of her magic?"

"Maybe, but... I don't think it is."


"I... don't know."

Then I heard Nala's voice

"Sorry, mam, but this is the last bath with an extra slot."

Then a familiar voice.

"That's alright mam."

Nala opened the door. And Thalia greeted the person who came in.

"Amy, it seems you came here too."

"Yeah, I thought I'd check it out."

"Darsen and the others scare you off?"

"No, in fact they were also interested. Who's that?"

"Oh, it's an elf, apparently she's pretty old."

She and Thalia sat next to each other.

"Fwah, this is so nice."

"It is..."

It was Amy, Kala was freaking out and let me in my mouth again.

'Why is Amy here?!'

'She must be the one that Ausar summoned.'

'We never asked what he said to summon her.'

'What do you mean?'

'He probably said something like, "someone to defeat Kala."'

'That would make sense.'

"Excuse me, young one."




"Why are you stressed?"

"I... don't want to talk about it."

"Is it related to you being from another world?"

Thalia and Amy both snapped to look at me.

"How did you?"

I smiled.

"Your scent, it's nothing like anything in this world. You don't get to my age without being able to pick up on things like that."

They relaxed a bit. Then Amy spoke.

"I guess... I'm just worried. One of my friends died a little over a month ago, and now I'm here, I can only wonder how the last member of our group is faring."

"I see, well, while they may be worried, they may also be strong enough to hold on. You seem strong, and I'd assume your friend is the same, right?"


"Then she should be fine, you adjusted to this world to the point you aren't surprised to find yourself in the bath with a dragon and an elf, she should be able to adjust as well."

"I guess."

I stood up, the illness was gone. I dressed and walked to the door.

"I should go, have a wonderf-"

As I walked through the door, I was so relaxed I didn't notice Celios ready to strike.

I got decapitated which caused Amy to scream.


"Nala, I'm surprised you didn't recognize her yourself."

"What do you- no..."

Thalia and Amy rushed out and saw me standing up, regenerating my head, but this time with cat ears.

Thalia blanched.

"It can't be."

"Hello, Thalia."

I smiled, Kala was trying to take control of me so she could fight, but she would die if I let her fight.

'You are too emotional. You'd either kill everyone including Amy or pull one of my specials and allow them to kill you.'


Thalia and Celios immediately got in a combative stance. Then Celios noticed the problem.

"Ah, Thalia, you may want to get dressed first."

She looked down and blushed before dragging in Amy so they could get dressed.

Me, Nala, and Celios just looked at each other while waiting.




"Well, this is awkward, and why did you attack me? I was just trying to take a peaceful bath."

"I'm not letting you escape again."

Thalia and Amy walked out again with a light blush.

Then Thalia snapped serious.

"You're not escaping."

"I'm not?"

"No, you have nowhere to run."

Then Nala's voice rang out.

"People, I'm sorry for the interruption, but there is about to be a battle in the bathhouse, unless you are fine with death I would suggest leaving."

There was bustling as a lot of people got out and started running, still putting on their clothes.

"And it's clear... except for the people in Celios's party, they're coming this way."

Dallel and the Kingsguard ran up. I also saw Asura.

"Wait, there's one other coming over."


Dallel looked back.

"No way."

"My Rival, I shall finally defe-"


I focused it on Callel and slammed him with the full force of my power, causing him to be reduced to dust.

They were all pale and slowly turned back to look at my fuming face. Then Dallel realized something.

"Wait, Kala has Rose's memories now?"

Celios nodded.

"It seems so."

"Why do you assume that?"

"Because only Rose hates Callel that much."

"How'd he even come back this time?"


"Anyways, we will beat you here and now."

Thalia looked sad.

"But if she has the memories, that means Rose was merged."

Celios nodded sadly,

"Yes, but then we just need to defeat her. We can stop holding back."

"You'll never be able to beat me."

"Nala, could you please bless Dallel, so he can actually fight here?"


She spoke in the ancient language.

"Oh, child of mine, hear my words and strengthen. I call you now, Altmer."

A light shone around Dallel, and he stood up again. His ears lengthened and his hair was a shade brighter.

"Alright, I'm ready."

My clothes were loose as I made them for my elven form. My armor was in the castle, so I knew that I would need to fight them without mercy in order to get out.

"Get her."

The group converged, but I used fear. Everyone took a step back, and I took advantage to kick down both Nala and Celios.

They fell and I started running.

Celios portalled in front of me, and I kicked his top half off, then Nala tried the same thing, but I ripped her in half.

Then Dallel was next to me.



He cut my leg off, causing me to fall, I rolled and crashed through the entrance, to a bunch of elves with their bows pointed at me.

"No more games, nowhere left to run."

Celios smiled.

"You're caught."