Chapter 116: FEAR

Marcus POV

"That little *****!!!"

I ran to where I heard the girl run to.

When I got there, I heard Damien, he must have gotten her.

"Damien, is she WHAT THE ****?!!"

Rose stood up, at least I assumed she did. Her body was twisted and broken, but she moved like it was her native state.

Tattered feathered wings stretched from her back. A bone crown extended from her skull.

She was taller, almost as tall as an Altmer.

She had draconic horns, and her eyes were gone, replaced by an abyss. Her mouth was in a similar state, no tongue, or teeth, or anything else.

Her face was twisted into a smile, but there was nothing that looked happy about it.

An uncontrollable fear charged through me, like death itself stood before me.

Any semblance of sanity was gone from her form.

I looked over and saw Damien with a shocked expression.

"Marcus, calm down. We are still stronger."

His words encouraged me, but I was still terrified.


Her voice was distorted like she came straight from the Man-ela Catalogue.


She attempted to laugh, but it just terrified me.

"Where'd she go?"

She vanished.

"Here I am."

I spun around to find her taloned foot flying to my face.


She kicked me and I flipped. It hurt unbelievably.

"Awe, you blocked it… NO Funnnnnn."

My arm was broken off. Whatever this was, it wasn't natural.

Damien charged and slashed her side. It was clearly meant for her stomach, but she was fast.

The two were of comparable speeds.

"How… how can she do this?"

"She seems to have gotten stronger."

"I figured that out, Damien, but HOW?!"

"I don't know, but she is really angry right now."

Damien pushed and clashed with her. It was clear who was the more powerful, Damien still absolutely totaled her.


She was pushed back and he struck to cripple, but she dodged and kicked at him.

I healed my arm and stood back up. Seeing an opening, I cut to kill.

I cut her spine, but she merely screeched and let out a shockwave.

Whatever she was seemed to realize that she was unmatched and leapt to the ceiling before breaking a hole into the ventilation and breaking her own bones to fit in.

I panted in exhaustion.

"THE **** WAS THAT?!!"

"Rose… seems to be a bit more troubling than we initially thought."

"We need to tell Gethel."

"He's in a meeting with with mid class faction, we can't interrupt him."

"Then we need to gather the commanders."

"No, we need to keep them in the midlevel world, otherwise her faction will take them."

"So, we have to deal with this alone?"

"Preferably quickly, as I can't be gone for long, or they may suspect that I am the mole."

"We can't leave her alive. Can we?"

"Gethel may be angry, but as of now, she is too dangerous to be left alive."


"Dallel, we have a problem."

"What is it?"

"We received word that Gethel is meeting with a middle faction."

"I see, so, doesn't that mean their capital is mostly unguarded?"

Jalad gave me a look.

"Are you suggesting we attack their capital?"

"Of course not, they likely have tons of 400s. I was thinking more of a scouting squad."

"Who will go?"

"Me, Thalia, Amy, and Ausar."


We gathered around and got to the hub.

"Mark, please open a gate to their capital."

"Understood, good luck."

"It's time to rescue Heather."


Rose POV

Hungry… so… hungry… Those two, their fear was delicious, but they were too strong.

"Damiiiiiiien I'll k_ILLLLL you."

"Hey, who are… what are y-"

I crushed the morsels throat and began gnawing on the carcass.

A beast. That was right. I was a beast. But I was so hungry.

This form seemed to awaken it. FEAR huh? What fun.

There is a town over here, perhaps I can find an ape- no they are citizens. I'm beastlike not bloodlusted.

The morsel was a soldier. Ooh, it seems some more morsels have shown up.


Morsel Leader POV

"Think we'll find Caleb around here?"

"Obviously, he's probably having another smoke break."

I couldn't shake the sense of worry. I hoped he would be okay.


"What is it, did you find him?"

I couldn't hide my exasperation.

"Yes, mam… but look."

It was confusing. Why did he-

I retched. Caleb was torn and tattered. His insides were strewn in many directions.

"It's like a beast killed and ate him."

"I don't know any beasts that could kill a higher being and not leave any trace of itself."

"I do."

"Oh you-"

We realized that the voice that just spoke was unfamiliar. I looked behind me and saw a woman with missing eyes.

"W-what kind of beast...?"


With that, the hole where her mouth should have been merely expanded and bit me in hal-


Rose POV

"What a good meal…"



"Awe… why are you running? Dinner's just beginning."

So hungry, yet my appetite was finally being fulfilled. It was almost like I had been starving all of my life.

'Good job, Sister.'


Marcus POV

"What happened here?"

There were 10s of corpses.


My second was dead, only her lower half intact, but the name tag on her pants confirmed her identity.

"Teeth marks."

"I know that we called her a beast… but…"

"She ate them…"


"Fuel, she's using something that… is terrifying… She clearly needs fuel."

"Understood, sir."

"I'm going to give an announcement. Find her, and do not engage…"

I walked back with a despaired look. Regala hunted her kin for power, but this… Rose is flat out a monster.

I got to the castle and turned on the microphone.

"People of Slayer HQ, we are under lockdown. The Beast known as Rose Hood has escaped containment. Do not engage. If you see her, report her to the authorities and they will contact me."

I shivered.

"A picture of the assailant will not be distributed, but if you do see her, you will know it's her…"