Chapter 124: Siege of Valhalla

I stood at the hub; my new armor equipped. I used a lot of magic power to create materials as strong as an evolved deity.

Thalia used all of her skill and made a powerful set of gear that even I struggled to scratch.

Luma told me that she would keep the worlds safe as I was fighting. As it wasn't a capital, she could also communicate with me.

She told me that there were no commanders as there was a meeting between the commanders in the capital.

"Alright. I'm ready to take it."

[To let you know, this world is called Halla.]


[Yes, it was thought to be Valhalla, but it simply was a powerful world. It's also one of the oldest. The fact that it's controlled by a minor faction is quite incredible.]

"Fun, any things to be afraid of?"

[Well, the godlies of your world are more like the rares of there.]


[It's a level 100 world.]

"What level is Pandora?"


"That high?"

[Yes, despite you not being a higher being, you control over 10 worlds. The capital draws on the excess power.]

"Oh, that makes sense."

[So, beings like the Whilder king are like legendaries.]

"Fun… well I mean, most people could decimate something like that now."


"Alright, I'm going in."

I opened the gate and walked into Halla. Inside was an industrial city.

[How many higher beings are there?]



I walked up to a higher being acting tipsy.

"Par*hic*don me. Do you know which way my home is?"

"Hm… Mam, the residential district is that way. By the way, you should be careful."


"Because most peasants don't like those in the system. Be careful of the vengeful ones."

[There seems to be a divide between those in the system and those out in most God Slayer worlds.]

[It is indeed off, but Rose, you can work that to your advantage.]

[Indeed, I can.]

I walked tipsily into a bar that said, "The safe place," and a buzzer went off.

"Hey, no systemers allowed."

The bartender yelled.

"We don't want trouble, so please leave us."

"Apologies, but I don't particularly like the God Slayers either."

I stopped the tipsy act and walked to the bar.

He seemed to look at me in a curious manner. Then he gestured to a seat.

"What's your name kid?"


"Interesting name. What's your last name."


Many bargoers looked at me in shock, but the tender just nodded.

"The boss said you'd be coming by."

"Who's the boss?"

"A sorcerer named Callel, he's from your world. He wants to speak business."

"And he's somehow alive again."

"What do you mean?"

"If he's the same Callel I'm thinking of, I've killed that guy like 6 times now, but if he wants to speak business we may as well."

That was the first thing to get a look of shock from the bartender.

"Very well, follow me."

I followed the man to a backroom and sure enough, a familiar elf was sitting in a chair, holding a glass of wine.

"Hello, my rival. Though I suppose that doesn't work anymore."

"You're in the system now."

"Yes, I am. I reached 50 recently."

"So, how are you back this time?"

"Once again, I am not aware, but I want to speak business."

"So, I heard. What is it?"

"I know why you are here. To conquer this world."


"I want to be your delegate leader when that happens."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because I have been brought back several times. I am tired of it, and I know that someone is doing it."

"Yes, but who could be?"

"A higher faction obviously."

"What will I get for making you my delegative leader?"

"Me and my group will join your faction."


"We have several high rank higher beings. Our numbers could be very beneficial to you."

"I see, 400s?"

"Yes, three of them in fact."

"That's more than I have… Sure, just give me a list of them, and I will refrain from killing them."

"Thank you."

[The junior faction ruled by Callel has been assimilated into the junior faction ruled by Rose. All members have sworn loyalty.]

"Thank you."

"No problem, good luck with your invasion."

We waved and I left, surprised. Even Callel has grown.

"Oh, how ridiculous the passage of time is."


Over the span of the next hour, I killed 100 higher beings and hid their bodies. Then I saw two enter a building.

I walked over and found a 'System Only' bar and tipsily walked in.

I passed a similar sensor, but it didn't go off.

"A 199 huh, she's close to becoming a higher being."

That got me some attention. Some from stronger beings.

"Hey, junior class, as a middle class I must ask that you pay the customary tax, then I may help with your requirements."

"'Pologies, I only have enough for some wine."

"Do you now? Could I take that?"

"Gonna get me wine?"

I gave a stupid and tipsy smile.

"Listen here, when your seniors ask for money you give us money, no questioning required."

"Hee hee, you're silly!"

Everyone in the bar was either laughing at my idiocy or egging the guy on… so none would survive the next hour.

The guy was getting angry, so he threw a punch. With a quick slice of my sword, his hand flew through the air and landed in front of me.


"What's wrong silly man~"

I looked at him as he blanched.

"Need a hand?"


Celia POV

Sir Kalgero wanted me to watch over this world and report any mishaps to him, so when a bar was invaded and entirely destroyed by a junior, I tried calling him, but it wouldn't work.

"Of course, he's busy with the meeting. I'll just warp to him."

I looked up.

"System, warp me to the capital world please."

I always made sure to say please, because I learnt that the system had advanced intelligence.

[Apologies, individual Celia, but this world is locked. The only way in or out is if the locker gives permission.]

"What? Please, tell me who locked it!"

[I can not tell you this information.]

That cemented it. This mysterious junior was someone powerful.

"System, please tell me who that is…"

[That is the one who named me, and who I swore loyalty to,]

I was already terrified from that, but the next words caused me to break out into tears.

[Rose Hood.]