Chapter 138: Denier of Fate


Rose Hood

Age: 2

Race: Human (Potential Form)

Level: 399

Health: 1000000000/1000000000

Mana: 0/0

Stamina: 98258/100000



Reality- 8

Empire- MAX

System Override- 4

System Administrator- 8

Denial- 3

Interspace Movement- 8



World Mother

Righteous Queen

Denier of Fate

Rejector of Gluttony



"What are those stats?"

"I don't know."

"One Billion Health is insane!"

Me, Michael, and Luma were examining my stats.

"Though, when was devour deleted?"

"Likely when Fear leveled."

"Thank goodness for that."

"Though, what does denier of fate mean, Luma?"

"I don't know… but if I had to guess, you denied the words of the one I can't speak of."

"I did?"

"You haven't forgotten. His words were for you to forget, yet you became independent of him."

Then Michael asked the question I had been asking internally.

"What does Human (Potential Form) mean?"

"I… don't actually know. But it's interesting that I was correct about FEAR being an unshift."

"It certainly is."

"Could the evolution of it look like Heather did?"

"Fear won't evolve."

I looked at Michael.

"How do you know?"

"Ultimates can level, but that's where they stop."

"But Fear is different from other things. How do you know it isn't different here too?"

"Well, if it is, then color me surprised, but I think that we found what we were looking for."

"Yeah, and me and Luma can't forget it either."

"That's probably why whoever that guy who does that hasn't touched me since Luma was verified immune, it would be useless."

"Yes, because you can disregard just me, but me and Luma is a bit much,"


We went to the bridge and went back to Selethon.

 I walked into the inn and sat down, trying to comprehend what exactly we learned. There is a being that is strong enough to scare Luma even when she has full independence.

And… I was human still. I didn't feel human. My body was a dragon, but I was supposedly a human, and FEAR certainly didn't look human.

"Is that thing human?"



"You're muttering to yourself."

"I'm just confused."

"Did you all find what you were looking for?"


This presence wasn't familiar.

"Who are you?"

"That is not your business, but I've come to warn you."

"Are you the rogue admin?"

"No, but I am his associate."

"So, why shouldn't I kill you?"

"You won't be able to. Either way, he has is eyes on you, so be careful."

"Who is he?"

"The man who changes the world through his words."

"Is he the one who made the book disappear?"

"Most likely. Listen, my boss is also against him."

"Why threaten Haven into war with me?"

"To get his attention."


"Our agent risked everything to cause that, luckily he didn't catch onto who it was."

"What would have happened if he did?"

"Erasure. Books aren't the only thing that man can delete."

"Who is he?"

"I… can't tell you but be careful. His manipulation spans far beyond simple erasure."

"I see."

Then the presence was gone.

It was a demon. That meant that whoever the mole is, they work for the devil, and they remain hidden from whoever scares them. The Ruler probably knows… or does he? I just couldn't put the possibility out of my mind. Maybe it was this strange person's manipulation.

Authors Note: Clever girl.

I won't rule him out, but I need to be cautious.


"Darsen. Hi."

"How are you doing?"

"Good, you?"


"Hey… about what I… pressured you to do with Dominion-"

"It's cool, you were new. I should have put my foot down there. I knew it was a bad idea but I said nothing and simply went along with it."

"… Thank you."

"No problem, just please don't avoid me next time you feel guilty."

"Sorry man."

"Yeah, actually I'd been thinking about asking Luma to remove Devour from me."

"I see. I can't advise you, unfortunately."

"You're good. I would ask Damien… but yeah. He's kinda dead."

I looked at him with a brow raised. Then I smiled.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure, why not."

My bad mood was lifted by talking with the one person who understood my fear of FEAR.


I was happy.

Rose had a true friend in Darsen. Both of them had an understanding that no one could reach.

I, somehow, wasn't jealous. I could only feel happy when I saw Rose and Darsen talking and laughing.

I was looking at them and smiling.

"I can't tell, do you have a crush on Rose or Darsen."

I glared at the snickering captain of the guard.

"I'm just happy that some things don't change."

He smiled too.

"Yeah. That makes me happy too."