Chapter 151: Archangels Cede to Understanding

I entered the guild tired. Sona was skipping, admiring how her body worked.

Gabriel grimaced at me.

I sat down at the bar.

"A wine please."

"Why do you look so tired?"

"Never had I been more nostalgic for Luma actually understanding basic concepts."

"Mr. Gabriel?"

"Yes… Sona?"

"Rose said it's important to get clothes, so people won't get dumb ideas, but she won't tell me what dumb ideas. Could you explain?"

I smashed my head on the table as the archangel flushed red.

"I, um…"

"Sona, I already said Luma will explain."


"So, that's why Luma started grimacing randomly."

"I'd assume so."

Luma glared at me.

"So rude."

Then Sona looked at me and smiled.

"Ooh, I almost forgot."

My eyes widened.


Then the pain begun anew.





"I'm fine."

Gabriel sighed in relief and started to help me up.


Luma's snark got a look from me.

Sona looked concerned.

"Sorry, I didn't realize that swearing loyalty would cause that much pain."

Gabriel dropped me.


Gabriel sat down and put his head in his hands.

"How do you manage to keep breaking things that haven't even messed up for millions of years?"

"Just lucky I guess."

Cassiel was frozen in the door.

"S-s-s-s-sworn loyalty… h-h-how?"

Gabriel looked at her in annoyance,

"I already asked that, keep up."

I sighed.

"At least there are some perks."

Then Silas.

"I'm guessing you got another 75% buff?"


That caused both archangels to freeze.


"You know how empire gives a buff to your subordinates based on your power level?"


"Well, Luma and Sona are so much stronger than me that they give me a buff."

Gabriel sighed.

"Now it makes sense how you can fight a 900."

"Actually, even before my buff, she was on the scale of a mid-500."


"Now she's an absolute monster."


Sona kept skipping around.

Then Thalia asked a question. One she knew would lead to her amusement.

"So, Sona, if you didn't understand the necessity of clothes, then how did you know how to wear them?"

"Oh, Rose taught me, face to face, body on body."

Her innocent smile just made it so much worse as Thalia began howling with laughter.

Sona was confused, so I walked over and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Sona, please stop talking for a bit."


Then she skipped off.

I could almost see the thoughts everyone was having.

"Don't get any funny ideas. I'll know."

I was red, so I smashed my face back into the table.

Thalia clearly didn't get the hint.

"Maybe you can teach others bo-"

"I dare you to finish that."

She began sweating.

"-bout combat, it's a very important thing to learn."


Luma smiled.



"I have no such weaknesses."

She smirked before walking out.

I sighed.

"Great… Good job, Thalia."


I was doing my rounds when I saw a skipping person that looked like Luma but green.

"I'm guessing that you're Sona?"


"What are you doing, skipping around?"

"Well Rose asked me to not talk. I'm still confused, but it caused Thalia to laugh."

That's not a good sign.

"If Thalia is laughing but no one else it, it's usually because someone said something that can be interpreted in the worst way possible."

"Oh no, did I say something bad?"

"I don't know but do be careful with your words."

"Got it, sir."

She skipped off. Then I saw Thalia sweating while walking down the street.

"So, you did get Sona to say something bad."

"Just an ee bitty thing."

"So, yeah. What was it related to?"

"Rose teaching her how clothes work."

"*Snort* Yeah, a dirty joke there would definitely tick her off."

"I know… but it was totally worth it."

"Of course, it was."


I was tired so I decided to retire to my room and sleep… when I woke up, I was in for a surprise.

I opened my eyes to see lime green ones looking at me.

I jumped so badly I thought that my body would break in half.

"Sona, what are you doing here?"

"I was watching you, trying to discern how bodies work."


"Because this body requires sleep, so I was hoping that by watching you I could figure out how to sleep."

"You lay down, close your eyes, and ignore everything."

"I see."

Then she laid down next to me.

"Don't you have your own bed?"

"Yeah, but yours is warmer."

"Yeah, because I've be lying in it for a while now."


"Now if you'll excuse me-?!"

She grabbed onto me.



"Great… she's a snorer."







She was asleep still. She was physically strong as heck, despite all of my strength, I couldn't even budge her grip.

Warp should work.

It didn't work.

I was tiring myself out. I should just sleep and figure out what to do later.

I needed to… to…

She was… very warm…