Chapter 331: Encounter With Pirates (2)

Mages capable of using water-element spells would also see a substantial increase in their power.

However, because mages were already the rarest of extraordinary professions and were often affluent and noble, they had no need to choose such a risky path. There were much easier ways for them to amass unimaginable wealth.

Thus, there were very few mages who became pirates.

Given William's current level of magical proficiency, sinking a pirate ship without a gold-tier warrior would be quite easy.

In the vast ocean, the ship was the most crucial element. 

To prevent their ships from being destroyed by mages or those with similar abilities, most gold-tier individuals would spend a fortune to give their ships resistance capabilities.

Clearly, the ship in front of them did not have such capabilities.


Hearing this, Loren was about to ask William for help but then fell silent, his expression changing.