First Date

After a lot of begging and pleading, Tommy finally convinced Vinnie and Larry to continue a little while longer for Jen and their baby's sake. They then agreed on what house to do next. Once, they devised an escape plan in case they found themselves in trouble again. This lengthy deliberation made Tommy late for his visit with his wife.

I hope I can get there in time,  Tommy thinks. Glancing at the clock on the dash, he calculates the time in his mind. I'll have ten minutes if I hurry. He pushes the gas pedal down more.

Tommy sees tears streaming down Jen's face when he steps into her room. Grave thoughts run through his mind as he dashes to her side. "What is it, Jen?" He scoops up her hand and plops down on the bed. "Please, baby, tell me what's wrong," Tommy begs.

She slowly glances up from the table, tears trickling down her face. "I was just looking through some photos." 

Tommy glances at the table to see a picture of her in front of a limo. 

 "I had the driver take this when he picked me up for our first date," Jen explains, gently running her fingers across the photo.

"It was the best date of my life," he says as he gazes into her big brown eyes.

"Mine too," she sighs, thinking back to that magical night.

Ten years prior

Jen's friend, Jessie, has been helping her prepare for most of the day. It was her and Tommy's first date, and Jen wanted everything to be perfect. 

"If this doesn't make Tommy sit up and take notice, I don't know what will," Jessie says, finishing her makeup.

"I just hope I don't do something stupid to embarrass us both." Being rather plain, Jen didn't have much experience with the guys. To be honest, this was her first actual date.

"Just be yourself, and you'll do fine." They hear a knock at the door.

"Oh, Jess, he's here. He's here." Jen says, anxiously glancing in the mirror.

"It'll be alright, I promise." Jessie opens the door to find a handsome stranger on her porch. "May I help you?"

"Mr. Campbell asked me to pick up Miss. Lowe for her date." He points to his limo.

Jen steps up to the door. "I'm Miss. Lowe."

"Mr. Campbell asked me to give you these."

He hands her a dozen roses. Jen turns toward her friend. "This is like something you'd read about in a romance novel."

"I assure you, madam, Mr. Campbell has more surprises in store."


"Yes, madam. Mr. Campbell has been arranging your date all week."

"What are you waiting for? Go, go?" Jessie pushes her out the door.

Draping his arm in Jen's, the driver leads her to the limo. 

"This is how the other half live, she thinks. Climbing in, she reclines against the velvety seats.

They arrive at their destination a short while later. Opening her door, The driver escorts her to the restaurant.

"Rogue Manor?" Jen excitedly asks.

"Yes, Madam."

Rogue Manor is one place she's always wanted to go but couldn't afford. "I think I've died and gone to heaven."

The chauffeur laughs. Removing my arm from his, he hands me over to the maitred.

"Mr. Campbell is waiting for you on the patio." The waiter says, leading the way. Jen tries to absorb the ambiance as they continue toward the back.

She hears romantic music playing in the background when she steps through the patio doors. This is like a dream come true, she thinks, glancing around.

Jen first notices the wall of beautiful flowers bordering the entire porch. The breeze blows ever so slightly, sending the sweet, heavenly scent of the exquisite blooms the way. She pauses for a second to inhale the enchanting smell. This date is a storybook romance, for sure, she concludes.

"Your suitor awaits, madam." Tommy stands as Jen approaches. She first notices his flattering new haircut and clean, baby-smooth shave. She then sees he's wearing a custom-fitted black tux, a bleached white pressed shirt underneath.

"You look beautiful, Jen." The girls had decided on a short, lacy, light-pink ensemble. The neckline drapes just off the shoulder, with delicate lace at the yoke and the sleeves. The sheer little dress hugs her curves nicely, stopping at her upper thigh. He takes my hand up to his lips and kisses it.

"You look quite debonair yourself, Mr. Cambell." She smiles.

"Thank you, my lady." They take their seats. The tablecloth is white lace. Two candles sit in the center, surrounded by a floral reef.

"May I pour the couple some wine?"

Jen looks over at Tommy. Being underage, she wasn't sure what to say."

"Relax, enjoy."

"But I..."

"It doesn't matter tonight." He winks.

The wine is so sweet and refreshing on her young palate, like nothing she's tasted before. "This is delicious."

"I'm glad madam approves. I will be back in a few minutes with your appetizers."

Jen glances around the elegant restaurant. "Oh, Tommy, you've really outdone yourself tonight."

"You haven't seen anything yet," he says as the wait staff brings out a tray of food,

Tommy and Jen talk for hours about everything imaginable, stopping briefly to enjoy a waltz. I'm so in love, Jen thinks, as Tommy wraps his arms around her for another slow dance.

"What do you say to a midnight stroll through the park?"

"I'd say that sounds lovely." Jen giggles, feeling the effects of the wine.

"Why don't we take a limo ride instead," Tommy suggests as she stumbles toward the door.

"A ride might be a better idea," Jen giggles again.

Once settled in the limo, Tommy turns to Jen. "I've been wanting to do this all night." Leaning in, he brushes his lips against hers. "I've fallen madly in love with you, Jenifer Lowe," Tommy says, kissing her again. 

Present Day

"We made hot, passionate love all night long."

"it was the best date of my life." Jen looks down at the picture beside it. "I miss those times, all the fun we had together. The strolls in the park, making love in the sand." 

"We'll have those days again," Tommy says, turning the page to a picture of the boys. Jen runs her fingers across that page. "I miss my babies, Tommy; I miss them so badly."

"Do you want me to ask your doctor if I can bring them in?"

"Could you please? It'd be great to see them, touch them, and hold them again before I..." She bursts into tears.

"Don't even think like that. Jen."

Jen wipes the moisture from her face. "The only thing keeping me alive right now is these machines; one day, they won't even work anymore. Why did I have to be born this way? Why? It's not fair, Tommy. It's just not fair."

Tommy wraps his arms around her sobbing body. "Don't worry, baby, you're going to get your operation soon, I promise."

Jen pushes him away."How, Tommy, how? We'll never have enough money for my aftercare."

"You let me worry about that. You just worry about getting stronger," he says, wrapping his arms around her again.

A horrid thought suddenly comes to mind; glancing up, Jen asks, "You're not working for Hernandez, are you?" 

Tommy turns away. 

Grabbing his arm, Jen begs. "Please, Tommy, please tell me you're not."

"I wouldn't be dumb enough to work for him."

"You promise, Tommy?"

Tommy turns towards her. Taking her hands in his, he looks her in the eyes and says, "Yes, baby, I swear."