Chapter 3: How Could I Forget This Feeling?

Have you ever pondered over how much knowledge you retain from your time in school? As for me, the answer is not much. Although I was somewhat familiar with a few of the subjects I was learning, most of the information seemed to have no practical application in my life outside of school. Consequently, my retention of the material deteriorated to the point where I was at a similar level to all other students in my class. The only difference was that I recognized how pointless the majority of the subjects were, making it even more difficult for me to focus than initially.

I struggled to feign even the slightest interest throughout my entire English class and subsequent Science class. Luckily, I grew up in the northern region of England, attending a particularly tough school where the teachers were more concerned with maintaining order in the classroom than imparting any actual knowledge. As long as I kept to myself, I could fly under the radar and easily evade any attention.

As soon as the school bell marked the end of the grueling class, my heart swelled with joy and relief. The sound of the bell was music to my ears and an invitation to break free from the monotony of the classroom. A wave of relief washed over me, and I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. My expression caught the attention of some of my curious classmates, who gave me puzzled looks. However, their stares couldn't dampen my spirits, and I savored the blissful feeling of freedom that came with the break.

As I walked out of the Science building, the cool breeze brushed against my skin, refreshing me. My eyes scanned the vast open space ahead of me, and I let my memory guide me toward the concrete football pitch. A place that held some of my most cherished and unforgettable memories. 

As I approached the pitch, I could see my friends, Mason and James, along with a few of our mates and some members of the local football team, eagerly dividing themselves into teams. The excitement in the air was palpable, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline surge through me as I joined in on the fun.

Football was an integral part of life in England, a deeply ingrained passion that permeated every aspect of society. It was more than just a game; it was a way of life, a source of unbridled joy and boundless enthusiasm. I can't even begin to count the number of times I've made my way to Old Trafford on my dad's broad shoulders, shouting out the names of my idols like Rooney or Paul Scholes with reckless abandon. From the tender age of four, I had been playing for the local football team, and every moment spent on the pitch was a cherished memory, a testament to the enduring power of this beautiful game.

The year I traveled back to was one of the most significant years of my life. It was the year when I had just recovered from a terrible arm injury that had caused me to miss the entire football season. Due to that, I had missed a crucial trial at Everton training ground finch farm, which had been my dream for a long time. The regret of not being able to attend that trial had haunted me for years, and it was something that I couldn't get over. 

The arm injury had been so severe that I had lost all the physicality in my left arm, and it had taken me a long time to recover from it. Unfortunately, it was too late for me to make a comeback in football, but my passion and love for the game had never stopped. Even with the terrible form of my favorite team, Manchester United, I continued to follow the game with enthusiasm and dedication.

As I was lost in thought, I started to experimentally test my left arm, which had been broken in the past. To my amazement, it felt as good as new. Before I could even begin to question it, my concentration was interrupted by the sound of James calling out my name. I lifted my gaze to see him gesturing me to come over to his team.

In my days as a footballer, I showcased my versatility by transitioning from a defender to a box-to-box midfielder. My playing style allowed me to leave an impact on both ends of the pitch. While I may have lacked technical prowess, my seemingly limitless stamina more than made up for it. I was known to chase after the ball with an unparalleled level of enthusiasm, driving it up the field with wild abandon before executing a simple, yet effective layoff.

My friend James was the opposite. What he lacked in stamina, he made up with great technical ability by being a winger who, like most at the time, was idolizing Ronaldo; however, he couldn't score a goal for his life; he was the type to dribble past four players before smacking the ball straight into the post.

Mason, on the other hand, was a stonewall defender making use of his larger frame to bully attackers but could easily be beaten for pace.

Despite not having played a game of organized football since the age of sixteen, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my body's natural experience seemed to have stayed with me. As I stepped onto the field, I braced myself for an adjustment period but to my amazement, it felt like I had never missed a day of practice. In fact, I was playing better than ever before, displaying a level of composure and technical ability that exceeded my previous performance. It was almost as if all those years out of practice had been accumulating inside me, just waiting to be unleashed on the field.

During the game, I found myself in a state of heightened awareness and knowledge that allowed me to effortlessly intercept any passes. It was as if I had a preternatural understanding of the game, enabling me to anticipate the movements of the players and anticipate their passes before they even happened. This uncanny ability gave me an unparalleled advantage over my opponents, allowing me to stay one step ahead of the game at all times.

The impact of my improved physical condition on my performance was nothing short of extraordinary. My passes were no longer mere attempts to get the ball to a teammate; they were executed with a level of ease and finesse that I had never been able to achieve before. In addition, I found myself with an almost supernatural awareness of my teammates' movements and positions on the field. It was as if I had developed a sixth sense for the game, allowing me to anticipate their runs and make passes that were perfectly timed and placed.

As soon as my feet touched the ball, I felt a sudden surge of confidence and skill coursing through my veins. With every dribble, my movements were imbued with a newfound flair and ease that I had never experienced before. I found myself gliding past opposing players with effortless grace and driving the ball forward with a sense of purpose that left my opponents in awe. It was a moment of pure athletic brilliance that I'll never forget.

As the game progressed, my mind wandered to the possibility of time travel. Had the being that sent me back through time also granted me an unnatural talent when it came to football? And if so, why? The questions swirled in my head as I continued to play, determined to make the most of this strange gift.

In a desperate attempt to prove my theory, I found myself in the middle of the pitch with the ball at my feet. With great skill and ease, I made a quick interception and drove the ball forward, brushing past the opposition players. As I approached the edge of the opponent's box, I deftly rolled the ball onto my right foot, preparing to strike. With a fierce determination, I unleashed the ball with all the force and skill I could muster. Like a guided missile, the ball soared through the air and landed in the far bottom right of the goal, leaving the opposition goalkeeper rooted to the spot.

The sudden silence was deafening as we all stood there, frozen in shock and disbelief. And then, in an instant, all chaos broke loose. My teammates started screaming and shouting hysterically, their voices blending together in a cacophony of fear and confusion. I could feel James' weight crashing onto my back as he leaped in terror, while the words 'Oh My God' and 'What The Hell' kept buzzing around in my head. But amidst all this chaos, my mind was racing with endless possibilities that this newfound power had unlocked for me.

I spun around with a dramatic gesture and a wide, silly smile on my lips. Despite having fallen short of my aspirations in my previous existence, the newfound skill I had acquired made it seem like a realistic possibility to turn professional this time around. I was determined not to let the opportunity slip through my grasp again...