Xavier’s Vow”

Xavier returned from the city to his small village, eager to tell his dad about the magic swordman he saw on his way back, and show him the magic sword the stranger gave to him and the book.

On getting to his village, a sinking feeling gripped his heart. The usual hustle and bustle was replaced by an eerie silence, and a trail of blood stained the ground, leading towards his home. he tries to put aside the feeling of fear and unease that is slowly growing within him, despite sensing something unsettling.

He rushed towards his house, fearing the worst yet hoping for the best.

Xavier hurried into the house, feeling a deep sadness when he saw his father's lifeless body on the floor. His father's face showed fear. The room was dark, and it wasn't clear to him what had happened.

Xavier cried as he knelt next to his father, feeling extremely sad and shocked. His father, who had always been his support and teacher, was now gone because of something scary that no one saw coming.

Then he saw some marks on his fathers face, he then remembered vividly the shadow beast story his father told him and the marks they usually leave on humans after they kill them, this was the exact mark on is father's face.

Fueled by anger and sorrow, Xavier made a vow then and there. He would not rest until he avenged his father's death and rid the village of the shadow beast that had stolen his happiness.

With determination burning in his eyes, Xavier declared to the empty room, "I will fight them. I will hunt down every last one of those shadow beasts and make them pay for what they've done."

And so, Xavier stood up, took the magic sword, glanced it left and right.

Xavier stormed out of the house, his voice echoing through the village as he shouted for the shadow beasts to show themselves. Determined, he began scouring the village, searching for any sign of the creatures. After a relentless search, he finally spotted one of them still lurking in the shadows, prowling through the deserted streets.

The shadow beast was unlike any normal creature.Its eyes shimmered with a mysterious glow, streaked with pulsating green veins that seemed to pulsate with power.

It possessed various abilities making them more powerful and mysterious than there first coming.

Upon seeing the shadow beast, Xavier felt a surge of fear grip him, yet he concealed it well beneath the weight of his grief over his father's death.

With a swift motion, he unsheathed his sword, ready to confront the beast. Suddenly, from the depths of the shadows, emerged the dreaded shadow beast, its eyes glowing with malevolence.

Without hesitation, Xavier lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. But the shadow beast was cunning, evading his attacks with unnatural agility. In a flurry of claws and teeth, it struck back, catching Xavier off guard.

Xavier fought valiantly, but the shadow beast was relentless, its dark power overwhelming. Blow after blow, Xavier felt his strength waning, and his vow fail. In a final desperate attempt, he unleashed all his remaining energy, but it was not enough.

With a savage roar, the shadow beast delivered a crushing blow, sending Xavier crashing to a building. Bloodied and battered, he lay motionless, his breath shallow, his pulse weak.

Xavier's consciousness faded, his body succumbing to the injuries inflicted by the relentless shadow beast. In that moment, it seemed like he was dead, cause he wasn't moving anymore. The beast moved closer to check if he was dead and it seemed like, so the shadow beast left.




John and the G7's were still walking round the village maybe they could see a survivor to explain how the shadow beast actually attacked and killed them all so fast. or maybe they could still meet maybe one of the shadow beast.

While walking they stumbled upon Xavier's battered body lying amidst the underbrush, a testament to the fierce battle he had waged against the shadow beasts. With grim determination, they rushed to his side, their hearts heavy with concern for the young boy.

That xavier the son of the famer!!…..John screamed in shock.

Without hesitation, they lifted Xavier's limp form and quickly rushed him to the secluded coven hidden deep within the forest, where ancient magic thrived and miracles were whispered to occur. Guided by their unwavering faith and a glimmer of hope, they laid him upon the sacred altar, surrounded by flickering candles and mystical symbols.

Together, they invoked the ancient rites, channeling their collective energy into a desperate plea for Xavier's salvation. With each incantation and gesture, they sought to breathe life back into his motionless body, to infuse him with the very essence of magic and power.

As the ritual unfolded, a profound transformation swept through the chamber, as if the very fabric of reality itself had been woven anew. And in that moment, Xavier stirred, his eyes fluttering open as a surge of vitality coursed through his veins.

"Father!!!...Xavier shouted immediately he opened his eyes.

"relax boy they all said to him.

With renewed strength and newfound abilities, Xavier rose from the altar, his spirit ablaze with a fierce determination to vanquish the darkness that had nearly claimed him. And as he stood alongside John and his companions, united in purpose and bound by destiny, they knew that together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead and they will overcome the return of the shadow beast, armed with the magic of friendship and the power of unwavering resolve.

Xavier stood up, "Where is my sword, and who are you people, he asked.

"Sword?...John asked him.

"Yes…..it a magic sword, handed to me by a magic sword man on my way back home.

" we are G7 from Avalon,we fight for peace and help humans fight evil creatures that attacks them, The handsome man answered xavier.

I have to go back to look for the sword, it precious to me, Xavier said to them, and he ran to pick up is magic sword and book.