Dusk Rising - Chapter 4.


When Tristan ran into his suite, we were all left standing there in the hallway looking like lost little puppies. Micah and Blane went in, but instead of following Tristan, they headed right for the bright red sofa that took up one side of his widow wall.

I decided to stay outside. Something felt off from the moment the elevator doors opened, and I felt a bit unsettled or bothered. When we were downstairs, they had told us that Dylan had come with two other people. Curious to see who they were, I decided to go and find out.

Turning back around, I poked my head in the suite and asked, "do either of you know what floor the other guests are on, I'd like to pay them a visit?" Micah wasn't paying any attention to me, his gaze was fixed on the door I knew Tristan had gone into, but my uncle gave me a weird look before responding.