Chapter 17: Hello Again, Hades

Naomi POV


Naomi growled, low at first, then rising to a fierce fever pitch. She couldn’t see him, but she could d*mn well smell his stink.

He just couldn’t resist coming back to cause trouble even though Cyran had beaten him through courage. Basilisks couldn’t resist looking at their own reflection if you shone a mirror in their faces. You’d think they’d learn, but they didn’t.

Cyran murmured, low, “I’m going to teleport you back, Naomi. I was being over-cautious. I can send you and Rose back to Sinsworth House. I’ve done it before.”

“Be careful,” she whispered.

“I will. Trust me, you’ll both arrive safely before Hades knows what’s happening.”

Fear gripped her. “That’s not what I meant–you’re not supposed to face him alone!”

“I’m not going to because we have our escort and I can hear them around here. And you’re going to warn the Alpha. He can whip my tail in training later.”