*A/N: Song inspiration: “Love Changes Everything” from “Aspects of Love”*
Naomi POV
“Are you going to crawl in bed with me?” Cyran laughed as she helped him back to bed from the bathroom. He still didn’t have enough energy to go more than a few steps without his legs giving out and the room spinning.
Healer Kellam chose that moment to appear with a death glare. “I forbid it!”
Naomi worked up a scorching speech in her mind, but then Kellam added, “At least not this bed–not very comfortable for two. I think you’re out of danger. You can take him back to your bedroom now, Naomi. Healer Azandra or I will look in on you later. And so will your steady stream of visitors, I expect. Everyone has been to see you.”
Cyran nodded. “Thank you, Healer Kellam–and thank you for not letting me have the orc purple drink when I wanted it.”