Chapter 1: Shot Dead


I stared at my cellphone caller ID as the phone kept ringing. It’s Uncle Boris! I was hoping he would give up but since the man was persistent, I was left with no choice but to answer the call.

“Ivan, I was hoping we could catch up and discuss the management of the Odessa,” Uncle Boris said at the other end of the line.

“I am in Pa’s office. If you can make it in an hour, I will be waiting for you,” I answered and heard the intake of breath on the other end. I knew that he was expecting a polite, meek response, but I was not ready to entertain anyone today.

“See you soon.” I could hear his teeth grinding and then he disconnected the call.

I stared at the screen and laughed out loud at how irritated he sounded. Ma had explained that Boris had a temper and the best way to deal with him was to rile him up. I shook my head at Anton who was sitting across the desk.

“Who was it?” he asked.

“Uncle Boris is making his way over just as Ma predicted,” I reported.

“That was fast. But we are ready for him, don't worry,” Anton smirked.

“Where are Igor and Viktor?” I asked.

“Boxing practice. They have been at it for the past two weeks. I know they are letting off steam after Pa’s death, but it's become too much. Ma has been complaining,” Anton pointed out.

“Let them be. Everyone has a way of dealing with grief,” I responded to Anton.

He shrugged his shoulders and stood up. “I am going to prepare the paperwork that we need to deal with Uncle Boris.”

“Like I said, everyone has a way of dealing with grief. Including you.” I was merely pointing out how Anton buried himself in work to deal with Pa’s death.

He snickered as he left the office, and I was left alone in my solitude. Anton’s words rang in my ears. I picked up my phone and made a call to Coach Constantine to find out how Igor and Victor were doing.

“Boss, how are you doing?” He teased me when he answered the call.

“Cut the crap, Coach,” I laughed, rolling my eyes playfully.

“You do know it's inevitable that you will take over from your Pa,” he said.

“I called to find out how Igor and Viktor are doing,” I said, deflecting the subject. “They seem to be missing from the house nowadays and spend more time in the boxing club. How much work are you putting on them?”

I could hear his snicker at the end of the line. “They are fine, boss. Just building muscle for the next championship in two months. I do expect you to visit once a week so I can spar with you.”

I chuckled. “Constantine, you are too much. Spar with me? I am no match for an expert like you.”

“Cut the crap, Ivan, your talent is going to waste. You are the best boxer I have ever come across.”

“Well, unfortunately, fate has other plans. Keep an eye on those two and keep them out of trouble please,” I implored him.

“I will. Take care, boss.” He disconnected the call before I could respond.

An hour late, Uncle Boris's arrival was announced by my PA. “Let him in,” I responded through the intercom.

The office door opened, and Uncle Boris, Uncle Sasha, and Anton all walked in. I stood in greeting. “Welcome Uncles. Please have a seat.” I pointed at the chairs next to my desk. Anton on the other hand walked to the corner and sat down in a huff. The displeasure on his face was evident, making me suspect that he must have had an exchange of words outside the office with either Uncle Boris or Sasha.

“Thank you for coming to see us on such short notice, nephew.” Uncle Sasha's fake smile was plastered on his face.

“To what do I owe the honor of having the both of you in my office?”

“Your office? This is Mikael’s office, Ivan. Don't get ahead of yourself,” Uncle Boris snapped.

“Cut the crap and state your business.” Anton’s voice rose from the corner.

“No need to be hostile with each other,” Uncle Sasha interjected. I leaned back on the chair and then raised my hand to Anton, indicating he should calm down.

“The last will for Mikael will be read in a month as per the Odessa rules. We allow the family to mourn for a month as stipulated,” Uncle Boris said, sounding irritated.

“Aren't you a member of the family that is mourning Pa?” Anton snapped back.

“Don’t raise your voice to Uncle Boris,” I scolded Anton, who closed his eyes in frustration and looked away. “Uncle Boris, I am well aware of the rules stipulated under the Odessa. What is your concern?”

“I am concerned that you have already placed yourself in Mikael’s office and are giving orders like you own the Odessa,” Uncle Boris snapped.

“What did you expect me to do?” I raised an eyebrow.

I watched as Uncle Sasha's eyes widened in surprise and then his eyes darted between me and Uncle Boris. Uncle Boris stood up and muttered, “I am just here to remind you before you let power get to your head with the assumption that you will be the Odessa leader.”

The door of the office opened, and a furious-looking Ma walked in. She only took two steps into the office before Uncle Sasha stood up in fear. I watched Uncle Boris's hands fist at his sides.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” Ma snickered as her heels clanked on the office floor.

“Greetings, Irina,” Uncle Sasha spoke up.

“What are doing here in Mikael’s office?” Ma demanded. She was not backing down and her face was filled with displeasure. I guessed that Mali—my PA—had called her.

“We just came to say hi,” Uncle Sasha responded.

“I am not speaking to you, Sasha.” Her eyes blazed at Boris.

“Calm down, Irina, we were just passing by,” Uncle Boris finally spoke up.

“Passing by? You just reminded Ivan that he should not take it into his head that he will be Odessa’s new leader and that the will is going to be read in a month,” Anton growled.

“Is that so?” Ma chuckled as she walked toward me. I attempted to stand up, but Ma raised her hand to stop me. “Sit down, Ivan.” She reached my chair and stood behind it.

“We meant no harm, Irina. These are just words of advice to our nephews,” Uncle Boris responded.

“Leave,” Ma stated firmly. Uncle Boris and Uncle Sasha complied and walked out of the office.

Once the door closed, I heard Ma mutter under her breath as I stood up. “F*cking morons.”

“Ma, who called you over?” I turned to her in question.

Her eyes blazed at me. “I warned you already and you let them come here without my knowledge?”

“What can they do to me?” I chuckled as I pulled her to sit on Pa’s chair.

“Who called you, Ma?” Anton rushed over and pressed a kiss on Ma’s cheek.

Ma never had time to answer Anton because her phone rang. She answered it immediately, listened, and yelled, “What?”

“What happened?” I demanded.

She disconnected the call and whispered, “That was Igor. He just reported that Coach Constantine was shot dead. The boxing club was attacked by unknown assailants.”

“What?” Ivan and I said in unison.

“Is Viktor okay?” I demanded, panic gnawing at me.

“He is.” Ma nodded. “Let us go.”

We all left the office and rushed to the boxing club. Upon arrival, the police were already there and there were empty bullet casings all over the floor of the club. Viktor stood by the bloody body of Coach Constantine while Igor spoke to the police.

Ma reached Viktor and he turned to her, his eyes filled with tears. “Ma, he took a bullet for me.”

“What the f*ck?” I cursed, taking in the scene.