Author note

It's been 13 years since I last posted a chapter, or worked on this story over on Wattpad. Yet this story has never strayed far from my mind. Somehow it always managed to sneak into my brain while doing housework, working, or before I fell asleep. A lot has changed in my life, but this story stayed.

Last year, around November/December, I decided to try to get into a writing flow again. It's been years since I last did that. Wouldn't you know it - the story began to flow naturally from my mind onto the page. But many things have happened in the last 13 years: I've been in the hospital because of severe depression, and been diagnosed with both Autism and ADHD. I've been in a loving relationship for 11 of the 13 years, have a 3-year-old with my partner, and my mind and writing have matured. I've had many ups and downs, but this story helped me get through many of the hardships. So I decided to revisit this story that always seemed to linger in my imagination. Back when I first wrote it, I had some general ideas for what I wanted to happen, but I hadn't exactly written them down. I remember some of it, but other things are forgotten. To my surprise, the story now seemed to want to go in a completely different direction. New ideas made themselves known and made me explore other possibilities.

I present to you the new and revised version of "Inside a Book". With a Katherine who has more backstory, flaws, and fears. A Bella Swan with more explanations of why she had to grow up so fast and become such a mom-friend. And of course an extremely broody, moody, nerdy, and emo Edward Cullen. (Thanks for the lovely insight into Edward's mind "Midnight Sun")

As January 17th approaches - the date Bella traveled from Phoenix to Forks - I thought it appropriate to post the first two chapters of this story on January 16th, the day Katherine's story begins.

I hope you'll enjoy the story as much as I enjoy(ed) writing it.

Your's sincerely Minnie (Fading Fairytale)