Trembling Buttercup — VI

The months Li Xinyuan had stayed at home had been kinder to him. The pale complexion and bags under his eyes with which he had returned were completely gone.

His long, lustrous black tresses fluttered against his back as he trailed after an elderly eunuch who had been ordered to lead him through the humongous, architectural wonder of a palace.

Opulence bled through every space in the palace, lined to brim with treasures others could only hope to see once in their lives. Blinding tapestries that only spoke of luxury filled the entire way, who knew how many hours had been put in making them, how many tears, how much swear shed, interwoven in the silken threads of these designs.

Who was to say?

Lines upon lines of servants moved in throes around the wings, hushed voices followed every step, sweet fragrance of luxurious incense filled every nook and cranny of the establishment.

Li Xinyuan bowed his head, hands resting on his sides as he carefully looked around, finding fascination at every turn. His long, splendid, pearly grey robes dragged behind him as he walked, Hu Lijing hot on his heels.

His impeccable appearance and ethereal beauty seemed to attract eyes no matter which way he went, low voices of servants talking about him were interspersed throughout the otherwise quiet palace.

Li Xinyuan resolutely ignored the inane chatter and held his head high, golden eyes scanning the path he was being led through.

The unique scent of medicine and herbs clung to him, bitter in nature as they seeped into his flesh and bones. It was as attractive as it was strange.

Li Jinhua seemed to have no anxiety about having to face the Emperor himself. She had done it numerous times before, after all. It was Li Xinyuan who was about to have an audience with the Heavenly Dragon Emperor for the first time in his life.

And for the first time in both of his lives, he was about to meet a living, breathing Emperor. Not to mention one as strong as the Heavenly Dragon.

Truthfully, Li Xinyuan was just about as excited as he was nervous at the thought of seeing the Emperor about whom he had only read in the stupid novel.

To meet one of the most elusive figures of the story, that too before the events of the novel itself even unfolded. The odds of changes, significant and otherwise, were high.

But one thing was inevitable. And that was Li Xinyuan's elevated status in the novel's timeline. If Li Xinyuan was lucky it would remain so throughout the course of the plot which he was tasked to change.

With a shake of his head, Li Xinyuan quickly dispelled any unnecessary thoughts clouding his mind and let out a sigh.

Right. How could I forget about that?

In all his nervousness about meeting the Emperor, Li Xinyuan had almost forgotten the most important thing pertaining to this visit to Forbidden City.

Li Xinyuan could very well be bestowed a marriage with the Crown Prince by the Emperor as a reward to his contributions to the war.

At least that was what transpired in the original timeline. Li Jinhua, his auntie, had been bestowed with countless riches and alongside those riches was the imperial edict of her nephew's — Li Xinyuan — marriage with Liu Mingyun.

As apprehensive as he was about the ordeal, Li Xinyuan wasn't exactly opposed to it. Liu Mingyun was a good man, or at least a good Crown Prince and an even better leader. There was no denying it. Hence, Li Xinyuan could bring himself to believe in his character.

But then again, a good character didn't automatically mean that the person would make a good spouse.

Not that Li Xinyuan had any choice or the right to refuse if the Emperor did bestow him with a marriage with the Crown Prince. It was as rewarding as it was troubling.

Should Li Xinyuan marry Liu Mingyun, him and his Clan would have direct relation — not to mention a very close one — with the royal family is DàHuǒ which in turn would elevate their status in Jianghu to an unimaginable height while simultaneously strengthening Liu Mingyun's right to the throne even further.

In simple terms, a marriage between Liu Mingyun and Li Xinyuan was a win-win situation for both of them through and through.

Should something bad happen to Li Xinyuan's clan, the royal family which had been segregated from the world of Jianghu for centuries would get an easy way to interfere and spread their influence in that world.

It was nothing if not beneficial.

Thoughts filled Li Xinyuan's mind, running in circles as the elderly eunuch stopped short of pushing open the gigantic door leading to the court where Li Jinhua and her entourage was to be commended.

"This is where I stop, Specter of Blood Moon," the man's wavering voice spoke, wrinkled hands folded in front of him as he bowed towards Li Xinyuan, clearly unable to meet his eyes.

"Thank you very much." Li Xinyuan nodded, slowly and gracefully as he watched the man walk away before turning to look at his aunt.

Taking a step back and putting Li Jinhua ahead of himself, the surgeon ducked behind her as the guards standing at the door glanced at them before nodding as they pushed the door open, announcing their arrival in loud voices.

As the door was pushed open, Li Xinyuan couldn't help his curiosity and against his better judgement glanced inside, freezing for a moment before swiftly ducking his head to avoid meeting anyone's gaze.

His heart was beating fast, swift and hard, like a jackhammer ramming inside his rib cage, threatening to leap out of his chest.

Only one glance, Li Xinyuan had stolen only a single glance at the interior but it was more than enough to make his throat go dry.

The sheer luxury, the opulence of the court was something Li Xinyuan — mind that he too had been one of the richest people in his last life — hadn't even dreamed of.

It freaked him out. To his core, the surgeon felt rattled.

The court was grand in every sense of the word. Everything of it screamed wealth, screamed money, above all it screamed power in its entirety.

Red and golden interwoven in every thread, from the podium, to the high-rise bannisters of every balcony, hanging from the intricately crafted ceiling were innumerable tapestries as if it further remind the onlookers of the sheer wealth the royalty had at their disposal.

Flames flickered, the scent of incense mellow in the air, thin wisps of smoke slithered around the hall. Court officials dressed in clothes appropriate for their positions stood at the steps of the stairs leading to the supreme throne.

No one made a sound, as they walked in, no one spoke a word.

Then, as if to break the silence, Li Jinhua got on her knees, kneeling low as a kowtow to the man who stood at the pinnacle of what they knew of humanity.

Everyone followed suit, before an incense stick of time could pass, everyone was kowtowing to the Emperor as Li Jinhua's composed and powerful voice rose above the silent veil.

"This lowly one has seen the Emperor."

Silence followed suit, the Emperor's cutting, assessing gaze washed over them, watching each of them in silence as he sat on his throne, cold eyes narrowed.

When his gaze reached Li Xinyuan's kowtowing form, it lingered, pressure dropping low as he moved his lips, quiet but a voice rattling with power spoke.


Hearing the command, they stood up, bowing as they spoke. "The Heavenly Dragon's grace is endless, may the Emperor's reign be eternal."

Li Xinyuan stood, calm and graceful on the outside as everything proceeded as he had expected. Before he knew it, the surgeon had zoned out as rewards upon rewards flowed on those who were deserving of them.

Still, zoned out as he was, Li Xinyuan dared not even breathe too loudly. He could feel someone's gaze lingering upon himself.

He just didn't know who it could be. Especially in this place filled with numerous people. Who knew what was on their minds?

"Now, subject Li Xinyuan, Specter of the Blood Moon." The Emperor's drawling voice snapped the surgeon out of his stupor. "Come forth, subject Li."

Li Xinyuan's heart seized, anxiety bubbled in his heart as he glanced at his aunt who gave him an encouraging look. With something akin to a stage fright, Li Xinyuan trudged forward, kowtowing to the Emperor.

"This lowly one greets the Emperor, may the Emperor's grace be infinite." He murmured.

The Emperor's gaze rested on him, this time it was accompanied by another. It was filled with anticipation and watchfulness.

"Rise, Specter of the Blood Moon." The Emperor murmured as Li Xinyuan stood up, standing humbly. "Zhen has heard a lot about Doctor Li from the Crown Prince and many of Zhen's officials. Your deeds, they are commendable. Zhen shall reward you with a golden plaque and…"

Again, Li Xinyuan zoned out, thanking the Emperor for all the rewards. There were too many, in fact.

"Say, Specter of Blood Moon." The Emperor prompted him again. "Raise your head and answer Zhen."

Li Xinyuan immediately obeyed. He liked his head attached to his body, thank you very much.

"If given the opportunity," the Emperor began, looking down at Li Xinyuan with half-lidded eyes. "Would Doctor Li be willing to serve at the palace?"

Low gasps rang throughout the court, whispers breaking out.

Rarely did the Emperor ever present someone with such an opportunity and to get one from him, Li Xinyuan had to be someone who saved too many people in his life to obtain such a luck.

To be fair, he actually did it.

For a long time, Li Xinyuan didn't answer. His lips pressed into a thin line as he instinctively glanced at Liu Mingyun who was standing below the Emperor.

As soon as their eyes met, Li Xinyuan looked down. Still no words left his lips.

The Emperor squinted at him, he leaned on one side of the throne, golden patterns of his brocade robes lined with black shimmered as the beads hanging from his crown swayed.

"Think carefully, Specter of the Blood Moon. This opportunity is not given to everyone by Zhen himself."